The great conjunction of the month is here. Jupiter joins Mars in our sky and we can see it with the naked eye while we feel its strong energies. Mercury retrograde reenters Leo.The Ace of Wands and The Knight of Swords - 14/08/24
The Moon in Sagittarius today opposes the great conjunction that is taking place in Gemini of Jupiter and Mars. The expansion of Jupiter...
The great conjunction of Moon, Venus and Mercury in Virgo opposes the God of dreams, Neptune, in Pisces. Mercury retrograde gets naughty and gives us moments of friction and stress.The 5 of Wands and The Charriot - 06/08/24
Moon transits through Virgo, conjunct with Venus and Mercury and in turn all three opposing Neptune in Pisces. Moon represents our way of...
Now is just the time!! Visualize, manifest, focus and act. We begin a cycle of gigantic expansion. Trust your feelings.The Ace of Cups and The 2 of Pentacles - 04/08/24
It's happening right now. New Moon in Leo. This Moon marks the beginning of a six-month cycle that will end on February 12, 2025. This c...
Today the Moon is dancing with Pluto. Here are the possible surprises that may appear in your life today. Believe in yourself above all!!The Page of Swords and The 7 of Wands - 01/08/24
The Moon, which has just entered Cancer, begins opposition to Pluto in its transit through the sign of family, home, intimate relationshi...
After a few days of too many energies intertwining in our lives, today we can enjoy a day of tranquility with the Moon transiting Taurus and Pluto in sextile with Neptune. Enjoy and smile!!The Judgment and the 7 of Wands - 28/07/24
Today the Moon transits peacefully through Taurus. This will provide us with a day of softness, pleasant encounters with friends and part...
Mercury about to retrograde gives us the opportunity to put order and have clear communications. Take advantage of the moment and let the energies flow towards your purposes. Moon in Aries will give you the neceThe 7 of Swords and the 4 of Cups - 26/07/24
Today the Moon transits through Aries on its way to tomorrow's last quarter trine with Venus. This will strengthen us to carry out our go...
Today several alienations are going to take us out of our comfort zone and want to see us take action and heal. Second Full Moon in Capricorn. Jump and redo your habits.The 6 of Pentacles and the 5 of Swords - 21/07/24
Today the Moon is full in Capricorn for the second time in a month. At the same time, it will be in conjunction with Pluto, which will be...
With the Moon in Sagittarius everything softens, but we still have the Mars Uranus conjunction active, which can bring abrupt changes and overwhelming impulsiveness. Prudence!!The Tower and The Knight of Wands - 17/07/24
The Moon enters Sagittarius sextile Pluto and trine Venus. This makes us optimistic, expands us and aligns us with the environment. Every...
If things get tight, it's better to stop and breathe and stop the impulse of Mars before creating a situation you don't want. The Wheel of Fortune and the Lovers - 16/07/24
The Moon ends its transit through Scorpio, squaring Saturn in Pisces and opposing the super conjunction of Uranus and Mars in Taurus. The...
If this doesn't knock down your entire world to restructure it, you're not from this planet. Conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus. Careful!!The 4 of Cups and The World - 14/07/24
Today, Moon ending its transit through Libra squares Pluto while Venus in Leo in turn opposes Pluto. The energies are going to become int...
With this situation it will be difficult for you not to feel changes in your life. Opposition of Venus with Pluto. Biannual conjunction of Mars with Uranus. Oppositions of Moon to Neptune. Breathe.The 10 of Cups and The Knight of Cups - 12/07/24
We return. Moon in Libra opposes Neptune in Pisces. The God of dreams in the last degrees of Pisces makes it possible for your dreams to ...
Looking from your intuition we will have to face conversations about where we come from and where we want to go. Mercury and its intuitive and emotional part rule today. The Moon and the 4 of Cups - 22/06/24
After the Full Moon in Capricorn last night, today Mercury squares the North and South Nodes that are on the Aries - Libra axis. North No...

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