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6.6 K

A story about accommodation from the booking site./Історія про житло з сайту букінг. (En/Ua)

Hello everyone. Today is a slightly unusual, but also important story from me. Everyone knows that during long journeys you need to rent...


6.6 K

Our family Christmas traditions./ Наші сімейні новорічні традиції. (En/Ua)

Merry Christmas! In my country, people greet each other on Christmas Day like this: "Christ is born!", and they answer them -...


6.6 K

Winter stories./Зимові історії. (En/Ua)

Hello everyone. This is how this year's winter stories begin. November gently turned into December. Without borders and without precipit...


3.4 K

Panettone is a traditional Italian pastry / Панетоне - традиційна італійська випічка ( En / Ua )

Hello everyone! December began and preparations for the Christmas holidays began. The city begins to decorate streets and squares with il...



Bright light might hurt at first glimpse

Image: From my Sis. Hello everyone, I bring my greetings. I've grown to found of reading other people's story and rarely talked about mi...


6.1 K

Klarris at 7th Birthday

A birthday celebration is a reminder of the happiness that someone felt for being born on that day. Of course who shouldn’t be happy ...


2.3 K

A Day of Prayer for Grandmother at Manghopir

Last month, we held the chehlum (40th-day prayer ceremony) for our grandmother (Nani Ammi), so, in connection with that, the men in our f...


6.6 K

Reflections on life situations./Роздуми про життєві ситуації. (En/Ua)

Hello everyone. I have entered a certain stage in my life when I seem to be reviewing my previous life from a different angle. I see my ...


3.4 K

Cowboy boots from Barca / Ковбойські чоботи з Barca ( En / Ua )

Hello everyone! I was riding my bike for several days and came across a huge shoe store. These are shoes of the famous Italian brand Barc...


6.1 K

The Life I Have

“Oh, it’s morning already. from what I remember, it was Monday but now it’s already Sunday. How time flies so fast but yet I didn’t have...


3.4 K

A tie in a person's life / Краватка в житті людини ( En / Ua )

Hello everyone! Do you know where the tie comes from? Today I will tell you about this men's and not only clothing accessory. By the way...


1 K

How gossip is created!/Як створюються плітки! (EN/UA)

How gossip is created! Today I tried to share with my co-workers some interesting information from the training courses I listened to ove...



The destined child

Greetings hive! I have a story to tell, titled: THE DESTINE CHILD CHARACTERS Mr Henry - father Mrs Mary - Mr Henry's wife Ella - daughte...


6.6 K

We learn to perceive other people correctly./Ми вчимося сприймати коректно інших людей. (En/Ua)

Hello everyone. Today I want to leave some of my thoughts on the topic of life in the modern world. Society is changing uncontrollably. ...


1 K

Autumn in my city./Осінь в моєму місті. (En/Ua)

Hello everyone. It's autumn time in my city. Every day I see natural changes when I go to work in the morning. Step by step, changes wil...


1 K

Relatives who are hopelessly small in their space of soul./Родичі, які безнадійно малі своїм простором душі. (En/Ua)

Hello everyone. I have to write today my feelings after my meeting with the family. I really want to be a part of the family, but they d...


6.6 K

I spend time with my son in the mall./Я проводжу час з сином в торговому центрі.(En/Ua)

Hello everyone! Today is a small story about my life with my son. He studies in the fourth grade and to almost all my questions he answe...


1 K

Chestnut leaves have turned yellow and dried up./Пожовтіло і посохло листя каштана. (En/Ua)

Hello everyone, I noticed that the chestnut leaves in my city suddenly turned yellow and dried up. Other deciduous trees remain with bri...


6.6 K

Responsibilities imposed on women./Обов'язки, які нав'язують жінкам. (En/Ua)

It's so nice for me in the park on this August day. In the evening, when the sun sets, I can already hear the autumn cold. But still, th...


1 K

Everything is in my hands./Все в моїх руках. (En/Ua)

Hi to all. Yesterday I met a woman I know. We hadn't seen each other for several months, so we talked for a long time about various topi...



Painful pasts that makes my mum the greatest treasure I know

I once asked my mother tales about her past and why she often stopped us from doing things that appeared enjoyable but have little chanc...


6.6 K

I'm feeling got on. Я почуваюся добре.(En/Ua)

Hello. I was too exhausted physically and mentally, but on the way home I dreamed again about the happy future of my Ukraine. This is ne...


3.4 K

I'm back in Dolo / Я знову в Доло ( En / Ua )

Hi friends! Trips to Dolo, a town above Brenta, are associated with not very fun events. A year and a half ago, I went to Dolo to visit S...



My wife's father's 66th birthday

Even though today was too hot and sultry with a temperature of 37 degrees, we still had to go to my wife's father's birthday, or as we ca...


1 K

It's normal to be afraid of change./Боятися змін - це нормально. (En-Ua)

Hi to all. Today I want to think about fear in our life. I am afraid of drastic changes in my life. The bigger the changes, the stronger...


3.4 K

A cunning hedgehog from the village of Sady near Nemodlin / Їжачок хитрячок з села Сади біля Немодліна (En / Ua )

Hello to all my readers! Some time has passed and I have a new story from my life for you. Five years have passed, and in my memory every...


1 K

About our roles in our lives./Про наші ролі в нашому житті. (En/Ua)

Hi to all. I came to you again with my life stories for your condemnation. Well, maybe I expect support and understanding, although it i...


6.6 K

Beauty is all around us!/Але ж то краса навколо нас! (En/Ua)

Hi to all. It's such a good feeling when everything is so beautiful outside and inside me. The harmony of my thoughts and my emotions me...



Rheumatoid arthritis(life goes on)

To be honest, today was really annoying. It may be the most annoying day in my life. Because I found out that I had rheumatoid arthritis ...


1 K

The end of my relationship./Закінчення моїх стосунків. (En/Ua)

Hello, in my previous posts I wrote that I lived with my boyfriend for a while. It seemed to me that we had decided all the issues in ad...
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