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3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Exodus 1, Post #1

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Exodus 1:1-10 A new book of the scriptures starts today, obviously. It is not the ...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 50, Post #5

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 50:22-26 source This is the last passage we will read from Genesis. If you...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 50, Post #4

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 50:15-21 source This week, we are seeing the deception of the line of Jacob...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 50, Post #3

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 50:11-14 source Today we are going into the stop in the land of Canaan and ...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 50, Post #2

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 50:4-10 source Joseph began to grieve his father's death last week and he h...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 50, Post #1

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 50:1-5 source We saw the death of Israel last week. Many are hoping for th...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 49, Post #4

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 49:29-33 source It is time to end another chapter today and with that, we a...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 49, Post #3

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 49:19-28 The last three posts have been a bit longer than the rest. It is n...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 49, Post #2

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 49:1-18 source We were in the midst of hearing the last words of Israel bec...



When will the Messiah come to save the World ?

Be exceedingly happy, O daughter of Zion; Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem. Behold! Your King (Messiah) shall come to you. He is just and v...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 49, Post #1

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis : source The men of God back in the day had a connection to the Almighty an...



El Shaddai - Genesis 17:1

El Shaddai : The first occurrence of the name comes in Genesis 17:1, "When Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to Abra...



Who is Metatron ? Called the Lesser Yahweh (יהוה הקתן)

Metatron is probably the most powerful and mysterious Angel or Divine being ? God (Two Powers in Heaven) ? ...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 48, Post #4

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 48:17-22 source We talked about a different way of blessing children last w...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 48, Post #3

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 48:12-16 source The father's blessing is coming today so this reading is a ...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 48, Post #2

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 48:6-11 from "Joseph" the movie. We saw Jacob (Israel) speaking a...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 48, Post #1

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 48:1-5 source As we have it, another chapter was finished last week, but th...


3.8 K

Good Friday ? Sorrowful Friday in English and Hebrew 🇮🇱

It is a solemn day today. Good Friday ? Why is it Good ? Isn’t it sad ? Reflecting on the crucifixion of Jesus (Yeshu ha Notzri) in Je...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 47, Post #6

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 47:29-31 source We are wrapping up another chapter today with the rest of t...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 47, Post #5

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 47:20-25 source We find ourselves in the next phase of the story where Jose...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 47, Post #4

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 47:15-19 source We were talking about moving on from the reunion of Joseph ...



The Spoken Aramaic 🇮🇱… Jesus at the Last Super.

What did Jesus sound like ? What language did he speak ? Jesus spoke Aramaic and Hebrew ...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 47, Post #3

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 47:10-14 source Israel (Jacob {y'acov}) met with Pharaoh last week and was ...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 47, Post #2

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 47:5-9 source We were reading about Joseph and five of his brothers going b...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 47, Post #1

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 47:1-4 source We finished another chapter last week. They are really not t...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 46, Post #5

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 46:31-34 from "Joseph" the movie. So, today we have knocked out y...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 46, Post #4

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 46:26-30 source We had one of those days last week where we heard the whole...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 46, Post #3

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 46:15-25 the tribes of Israel - source Last week we saw that Jacob had join...


3 K

The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 46, Post #2

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series. Genesis 46:6-15 from "Joseph" the movie. Today's passages starts out sayi...



Who is Metatron 🇮🇱 ?

Who is Metatron ? The origins of the Angel from the third Book of Enoch. Metatron "the Youth", a title previously used in 3 E...