
PRACAXV at night: Front Blunt Train on the Coffin


web-gnar1.1 K11 days agoPeakD3 min read

The homie Fred stopped by, and he took us for a ride over to Praca XV. "Plaza 15" is the central meeting spot for skateboarding in rio. its a public space with the smoothest ground ive ever skated. the marble ground is probably so old. Probably what Bracelona feels like to skate. It's right in Don Pedro's backyard. Don pedro was the founder and first ruler of the empire of brazil.


Fred has a little surf car that he hooked up with nouns. he drives around without seatbelts and advises me on the kind of beer to drink while riding in the passenger seat of his car, which is legal in brazil. actually one of the seatbelts worked in the car, i just had to attach my seatbelt to his fastener and it worked! lets roll




We hopped out of Freds whip and i got to feast my eyes on a skatespot i have seen so much on skatehive.



The spot looks really cool at night. A lot of the plazas in rio are well-lit at night where it lights up the canopies of the trees and makes them look welcome instead of sketchy.


theres a giant skateboard sculpture thing. i dont know the story behind it, but i think it has to do with this spot becoming kind of a trophy for the legalization of skateboarding in rio. the story i was told, is that there was a very famous movie star in brazil, and her son got killed longboarding, he was hit by a car, and that kind of sparked a movement to legalize and respect skating in rio.


Behind the plaza, like 200 yards away, is a tiny skateshop. i didn't go inside to check it out but thats where this mini ramp is.


I met @gued.zzz which was so sick. he rips! after this blunt training session he did blunt kickflip to fakie So good. I also met this dude from germany named Tabo who is super good. they have been street skating with a VX and i want to go out with them one of these days. Met @bebeldachatuba too. he shreds.

watch the end of the video for a kickflip crook on the coffin.


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