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What Is The 10-3-2-1-0 Sleep Rule?


waivio_daniel-james0.0011 months agoWaivio3 min read


For most us, one of the best headache solutions is to get a proper good night’s sleep. However, how often do we get proper sleep at night? Well, we all know the answer. There are many techniques to understand your sleep routine and incorporating a few numbers in your daily routine can help you achieve your objectives. Following a sleep routine helps you fall asleep faster and enjoy better sleep quality for a healthier mind and body.

What is Sleep Important?

Generally, adults need 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. In cases when we do not get enough sleep during the night, we are at a risk of chronic health problems including high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and depression. Sleep deprivation would mean our mental abilities aren’t as good as they are meant to be, we will have short attention span, slow reaction times, increased errors, poor memory, and reduced concentration.

Sleep is a natural phenomenon, but sleep doesn’t come to everyone easily. 1 in every 2 adults report sleep-related problems. If you aren’t getting good night sleep, here is a rule that will help you turn it around.

Check the following and find your morning headache solutions.

The Sleep Rule: 10-3-2-1-0

No caffeine 10 hours before going to bed.

Most coffee or tea drinkers will know this. If you have a habit of consuming more caffeine in late evenings, you will not be able to sleep well. To make sure that your sleep isn’t impacted, opt for different drinks after your morning coffee.

No food or alcohol 3 hours before bed.

Keep a gap of at least 3 hours between your food and sleep. Eating and drinking alcohol right before bed can impact your ability to fall asleep. When we eat late at night, it disrupts our circadian rhythm because muscles that digest and metabolize foot need to keep working instead of taking rest. When some parts of the body are still working, it can make falling asleep more difficult.

No work 2 hours before going to bed.

Whether you are studying or working, you should complete the work at least 2 hours before going to bed. Whether it is mental or physical work, your body and brain need enough time to relax and prepare for sleep.

No screen time 1 hour before the bed. Shut off phones, TV, and computers.

While you should shut off your work 3 hours before bed, you should also stop watching your screens 2 hours before going to bed. Even if you enjoy binge watching a series or playing a game in the computer, it is time to turn them off one hour before you intend to hit the bed.

Snooze your morning alarm 0 times.

Finally, do not snooze your alarm to go to sleep. Ensure that you wake up at the time you intend to be ready for work.

Follow the rule and improve your sleep. If you are looking for headache solutions, reach out to us.

Posted by Waivio guest: @waivio_daniel-james
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