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Our Half Yearly Visit To Costco


travelgirl13 K3 years agoPeakD4 min read

Hi Everyone,

We haven't been to Costco for ages so we thought we should go in for a quick visit to get a few things for Christmas coming up and some goodies for the kid's classmates. We have a tradition that the kids pack a surprise pack for their friends at school and carers so everyone can have a sweet Christmas. Costco is the place to get large amount of small goodies, great for school. Unfortunately most times, we go there and the adults end up getting more stuff than they need and we ended up spending $650 for our spree. It was less than expected and we did get a full trolley full of food and goods. The best part of Costco is every time we go, we always see so many new things as we go not very often and each time feels like there is a surprise waiting for us.


The main focus for me is to get a new pan or wok for the kitchen. Last time when we went, we got a 3 tier steamer and its the best thing we bought there and every time someone see us using it, they always ask us where we bought it. As we walked in, the usual electronic section was there. Dad spent a bit of time there but it was more look than buy. Lots of nice appliances but nothing really we need for the small kitchen we have. Space is a premium so we need to be smart with what we put on the bench. I did fall in love with the 8 person party grill device which was really good to when people are over. Even the 4 of us will be great fun making our own meals like at Korean BBQ but we ruled it out as the kids were too young and we don't want them to burn themselves. I was literally standing there for 10 minutes playing around with it and finding a good reason to buy it but kids are too young, safety first. I'm glad though we found a wok there and will share that will you when I start using it. It looks pretty impressive and mum told me to get it without thinking cos it was really good quality.


There were loads of Christmas things to buy but we weren't interested. I was in fact interested getting the gaming chair but my current desk chair is a special ergonomic chair so it's also too good to give up. I do have my eyes on the Osim gaming chair which comes with massage features but that is another hurdle I need to go through, to get approval from the hubby as the is particular to desk chairs. He says that we spend 8+ hours a day on that chair, it better be a good chair rather than some good looking but useless one that ruins your back. He is correct there so I don't argue on that point.


We finally finished the rounds and went to get the food. We didn't get any frozen food as my freeze is full but we did lots of nice fruits especially the strawberries we bought 2 boxes. I wanted to get the Jamon as the price was so good but I don't think we can finish 4.5kg worth so we had to let that one go. Boba ice block was also on my list but realised the space in the freezer won't work so had to put that one down. 4 big boxes of goods, $650 poorer .... I guess another 6 months until we visit Costco again.




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All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted.


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