Angin kencang yang mengakibatkan beberapa tiang listrik miring
Not even a month after the installation, strong winds have hit, which claims that several poles in the mountains are tilted badly, which will result in accidents for road users around here.
Last night we received news from the local community where we installed the poles because there were several poles and their condition was close to falling. We received news that there were 9 concrete power poles which are currently no longer upright, we also received news that this pole tilted here last night in strong winds, fortunately there were no casualties due to strong winds last night.
After spending 1 hour just to re-establish this pole, we also contacted the village head to confirm the complaint they reported to the nearest office, after that we immediately moved to several other poles.
This is the worst pile we have worked on today, the concrete pile is tilted like this because a tree broke beside the pole and hit the cable that crossed the tree, fortunately the existence of this pole is far from the community environment and there is no risk of endangering the nearest community .
Before we erected this pole, we first cut some trees that were likely to hit the passing wires.
The last pole that we can work on and we have to finish today is the pole called the double position or twin pole, this twin pole is not to be installed in a transformer later but because of the many cables that pass and have to be fed to several villages, unfortunately double poles This is also tilted so that there will be a possibility that the electricity flowing through this cable will go out if it is not repaired immediately.
Before we dismantled some of the cables, we had worked closely with the head office to turn off the electricity connected to some of the poles we set up today, for the safety of my workers and friends.