
Idk Samad ✒️1.5 K

dollarVote value: 0.009

just someone who think writing is a way to escape from the endless thoughts of mind.

Vote value: 0.009
Active: 2 minutes ago
just someone who think writing is a way to escape from the endless thoughts of mind.
Joined: May 16, 2022
#Expertise1.5 K
Active:  2 minutes ago
Vote value: 0.009

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Upvoting mana: 99.98%
Downvoting mana: 100%
WAIV vote: 0.00

HIVE token

Upvoting mana: 80.4%
Downvoting mana: 100%
Resource credits: 100%
HIVE vote: 0.009


1.5 K

The Truth Behind the News: How Mainstream Media Shapes Our Perception

image by Pexels from Pixabay In every household there's one or two person in the family who watch news channels everyday like it's a sec...


1.5 K

Weekend Memes Musings: My Action-Packed Sunday Cooking Meal and Market

it seems like weekends are becoming more interesting as the markets are doing better but still in real life's it's been more busier than ...


1.5 K

Beyond Wealth: Why Influence and Power Can Be More Valuable Than Money

image using Ai. In life there's better things than money and it includes influence and power because both can get you so much more than ...


1.5 K

The Real Reasons You're Losing Money in Stocks and Crypto

Everytime I look around and observe more people in the markets like stocks and crypto one thing I've seen common amongst all of them is t...


1.5 K

A World in Turmoil: The Harsh Realities of War, Hunger, and Poverty

image from pixabay There's a lot of problems and challenges in the world right now some of them can be solved by the government but they...


1.5 K

The Green Candle Effect: Why Crypto Traders are Optimistic Again

image using Ai. I've not seen a single industry like crypto where people shows different colours after every hour/day and week because t...


1.5 K

From Childhood to Adulthood: How My Moral Code Shaped Me

image by Xavier Turpain from Pixabay In today's world maintaining morals in life has become very difficult and it is important to keep u...


1.5 K

Books, Memes, and Rain: How I Spent My Sunday after family Reunion

this sunday was a different one from the last one because of the arrival of guests from another city visited us and I had a reunion with ...


1.5 K

A degen Tale: Investing Small using High Leverage to Make it Big from Trading

image using Ai. Recently I got pumped to run a fresh account with about 50 dollars usdt and run it to million dollars before the end of ...


1.5 K

The Thrill and Fear of Living Among Predators in Wild

image is mine. While living in the wild Sometimes I wonder which animal will scare the hell out of me when I encounter it in real life ...
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