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The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 31, Post #10


hebrew2.6 K2 years agoHive.Blog2 min read

Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series.

Genesis 31:51-54



We have finished a very long and very important chapter in Genesis today. Jacob's twenty-plus year struggle to obtain his wife and earn livestock to get him started as a shepherd.

They agreed that any animosity will end here and now. They made a heap of rocks as a reminder (witness) between the parties to keep things peaceful. Then Jacob made an offering to God and all sat and ate. The chapter ends with Laban waking the next day and kissing his daughters and grandchildren before departing for home.

Next week starts a new chapter with the idea that Esau will need to be dealt with. The last time we saw him, he was ready to kill Jacob. I also wonder what Rachel will do with the gods she stole from her father?

Today's reading


 Then Laban said to Jacob, "See this heap and the pillar, which I have set between you and me. This heap is a witness, and the pillar is a witness, that I will not pass over this heap to you, and you will not pass over this heap and this pillar to me, to do harm. The God of Abraham and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge between us." So Jacob swore by the Fear of his father Isaac, and Jacob offered a sacrifice in the hill country and called his kinsmen to eat bread. They ate bread and spent the night in the hill country.

 Early in the morning Laban arose and kissed his grandchildren and his daughters and blessed them. Then Laban departed and returned home.
 - - -



The story continues next week as Esau comes to mind...

Info on each letter starting at the beginning

If you are just starting, my lessons are all here starting at Alef, adding vowels (the dots and lines) as we go. I explain the meaning of each letter and its numerical value. Just go to my blog and scroll to the bottom or click here

Get your Hebrew Bible now!

Click here to obtain the book we are using. It is a free download or browser usable.

Thanks for reading.

Shabbat Shalom


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