And for today..!! The Knight of Swords - 15/11/23
Your willingness to move as the moment dictates, and your audacity to not wait for permission to manifest your impeccability, have a first-class ally in your intellectual prowess. The time has come to make an honorable recognition of the abilities of your mind to open paths, because - although you may have forgotten - it is the perfect vassal towards the manifestation of who you really are. In this time in which you are willing to feel and follow the guidance of your heart, your joy and your health along the path of embracing everything that is, it is time to include in the party all your intellectual, dialectical, decision-making, superpowers. visualizers... The difference now is that all of them can be assumed as vassals at the service of the being. The movement is unstoppable these days, the brutal energy that passes through you needs to find its greatest fertility and connection with heaven and earth, and your disposition to the alchemy available in each interaction may be triggering the most reactive mental springs and all kinds of thoughts and memories. They are all spigots releasing ancient and dense smoke from the canza so that you remember to let go and trust and surrender to life. And above all so that you recognize the treasures that your most subtle part contains, beyond thoughts, imagination and ability to design purposes, thanks to a sublime potential for the highest connection. May it be a beautiful day of impeccable thoughts and words, towards paths that you can open with every step.
The Knight of Swords means that someone may suddenly and impulsively arise in the situation at hand or in your life at this moment. You must be very careful, because perhaps this person has intentions that are not very clear, they can manipulate you or tell you something to divert you from the truth.
The card suggests some kind of reckless action, in which the consequences are not measured. His sword is swift and when it enters your life, there is no choice but to stand firm, believing in your strength to overcome any obstacle it may bring.
Use reasoning to overcome such influence or person and exercise the power of truth. You can overcome any challenge if you think clearly. If the card represents you, it can warn you against pretentious and arrogant attitudes on your part.
The Knight of Swords symbolizes events that occur suddenly, situations that are often beyond our control. In the letter, we see a young knight in his armor. The sky behind him is full of clouds and the wind blows violently over the trees. He is mounted on a white horse, which usually symbolizes the purity of the energy that motivates the knight. He seems to ride impulsively into battle, unconcerned about the dangers he may encounter.
It suggests that the Knight may be carrying a strange or unpleasant message. He enters the situation without thinking and ends up affecting the other people involved. Use reason instead of emotion to clearly see the intentions of the situation consulted or related to the current moment. Try to understand the panorama to overcome any challenge that arises.
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