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Inner peace and change of trajectory...


young-boss-karin1.1 K2 years agoPeakD2 min read

Life can be daunting sometimes as we set goals that we aspire to reach at certain points in our lives. If you're anything like me then you probably live your life based on short, reachable and timely goals.

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While this probably makes it easier to hit goals and keep living with those little wins, it also reduces the things we expect from life. There's nothing grand to look forward to and sometimes it seems like life has no purpose.

This also makes living somewhat easier and just lets life keep going without really noticing but there comes a time when you just pause and realise that life is just passing you by and you're not doing a lot about it. You only get one shot at this and all you're doing is living a mediocre life and achieving mediocre things but you keep going.

How I slow things down

For at least 4 years, I've lived life with set expectations. I know a big break is in my future but I have no idea what angle it'll come from and how much work it'll require.

At every point in my life, I'm always doing something. So when I feel like I'm moving too fast and I can't find the right trajectory for my life anymore, I take a break and stop caring.

My goals have always been basic so going weeks without doing anything to reach these short goals seems almost deadly but I do it. When everything seems like a lot of mental stress and I can't handle it anymore, I simply stop.

I stop and I let my mind just go to whatever gives it comfort and I stay there until I have the urge to get back up and start working on my goals again.


I told a friend today that "I've spent a lot of time trying hard to reach my dreams, I think it's time for my dreams to try to reach me". When I need a break, I take it and I glide undisturbed through life. I hope I'm fortunate enough not to run into any obstacles along the way.

Thanks for reading


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