Escape to Paradise: From Sunrise to Sunset at Inong Balee Beach
Hello Hive!
How was your March this time? Have you gone on an adventure? No need to go abroad, at least explore the nature around you because it's just as beautiful as the one in the world.
Last Wednesday, the sky was clear and the weather was very pleasant. My friends and I planned a trip to Benteng Inong Balee Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Aceh Besar. We were excited to enjoy the beauty of this beach since morning, so we set off early enough to reach the beach before the sun got too high overhead.
Sea view from the top of the hill
Upon arriving at the beach, we were greeted with an incredible sight. The tide and turquoise-colored sea water were so beautiful. With the surrounding hills, I couldn't stop being mesmerized.
My friend and I take turns posing with this natural beauty
Inong Balee's underwater exploration
After getting tired of taking pictures, we immediately decided to explore the beauty of the underwater world by snorkeling.
The water was crystal clear and calm, so we could clearly see the beautiful coral reefs and colorful fishes dancing around us.
We felt like we were connected to nature, and didn't want to miss a moment of it. One of my friends brought an underwater camera so we could record the moments underwater.
My friend and I did one of the steps to save coral reefs by planting corals using a simple method. He took some coral fragments and planted them on dead coral rocks. Not all visitors know about the life cycle of coral reefs, about coral reefs should not be stepped on or touched carelessly. So, this simple step is all we can do for the reef. It's not easy to campaign against touching or stepping on corals to other visitors.
Rest and Lunch
After playing in the water for a few hours, we decided to take a break and have lunch. We chose a cool and shady spot to relax, while enjoying the beautiful scenery around us. We also tied a hammock for lying down.
However, when we finished lunch, the tide began to recede, and rocks and corals began to appear on the surface. Some visitors started to arrive. We felt very grateful to have arrived earlier, so that we could enjoy the beach more quietly.
After resting for a while, we decided to get back into the water and explore more of the underwater beauty. Although the water wasn't as beautiful as it was in the morning, we still enjoyed our time in the sea for about 45 minutes. You can see here that the water is starting to get a little murky and not as clear in the morning.
After that, I felt tired and cold, so I decided to go ashore and rest for a while.
Chasing Sunsets
We waited for the sunset while enjoying the unspoiled beauty of the beach. When dusk fell, we decided to pose together with the beautiful sunset in the background. We felt very happy and energized during the trip, and this beach would be a highly recommended destination for those who want to enjoy the pristine beauty of nature.
Coming back from Benteng Inong Balee Beach, we felt very satisfied and happy that we made the decision to go there. We had a very fun and fulfilling time together. Although the journey to the beach took some time and effort, it all paid off when we got there and felt the peace we wanted.
