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'Woke' or Broke


www.oye.news28.313 years agoHive.Blog11 min read


Hate is a strong word, so strong in fact that there are few use cases for the word, well at least for me, anyway. However, hate is a word that does attempt to leave the thought functions of my mind and find its way to the tip of my tongue when the term ‘woke’ arises. Just the name itself provokes irritation!

I mean seriously, who calls a movement, ‘woke’?

The irony is, the woke movement is driven by false ideologies and the wet dreams of elitists. It is the polar opposite of being awake. That said, the official definition as described by Merriam Webster is to:

 > aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues

The problem is, these so called ‘important facts and issues’ are being determined by wealthy technocrats and billionaire philanthropists. They are genuine problems such as racism and environmental issues, but with dishonest and destructive solutions.

A prime example of a destructive and dishonest movement within the woke movement is the climate change narrative. While it is undeniably true, we have some major environmental issues, the pushed narrative on how to resolve it is little more than a dangerous ploy to benefit the top of society, while oppressing the majority further.

But, it gets worse. The woke racism and prejudice movements are by far one of the most ridiculous aspects of the cult. Avid supporters of this movement are demanding history be erased and cleansed, books be burnt and the English language itself be changed.

A ridiculous example of this was when well-known actor Peter Dinklage criticized the new production from Disney of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:

 > Speaking about the new Disney film Peter Dinklage said he was surprised when the team announced that they were proud to cast a Latina actress as Snow White, but still felt it was OK to just re-tell the same story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. - ++Source++

The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a story, it’s not real. It has nothing to do with reality; it has a talking mirror and a magical witch that can transform herself, she’s a fricken shapeshifter for god’s sake. No one watched or read the original Snow White story and thought ‘Oh, better keep away from mirrors and never accept apples from old ladies’, ok, maybe avoid accepting fruit from strangers, but my point is, it’s story, that’s it, just a story. The depiction of the seven dwarfs was not so much supposed to represent seven unfortunate men all afflicted with dwarfism and left to rot in the middle of the forest, in a cave. It was supposed to represent seven magical little entities who would come to love and help poor snow white from the clutches of evil. It’s a fantastical children’s story from the Brothers Grim written in 1934, get a grip.

But it’s OK, Snow White is at least going to be Latino, because as everyone knows, depicting Snow White as was intended in the original story as a dirty little white girl would be racist - give me a break. This is woke retardation, oh sorry - I can’t say that anymore either.

I hear people genuinely confused about what to call people from other ethnic groups, “Do I call them black, brown, or is it coloured?”, people are fearful to reference the skin colour of another because they don’t won’t to be shunned as a racist, a bigot.

Not so long ago, I was trying to get a friend to describe to me what someone looked like. I cannot remember why because the lunacy of the entire conversation is now all I remember about the situation. Now, I live in a 99% white community, so trying to describe someone locally to another if they are black is, or at least should be a simple task as the numbers are few, and yet this friend described height, hair colour, clothes, car and everything in between except the obvious, skin colour. Of course, the skin colour would have narrowed down the identity pretty damn quick, but people are scared to identify by skin colour because they think reference to such things would make one, racist.

Once upon a time we had a term called ‘positive discrimination’. It was a term used to describe behaviours that favoured ethnic groups simply because they are an ethnic group. It is a term which I believe is still a very valid issue, favouring anyone simply because of a skin colour or place of birth is discrimination, unless of course you are casting for a film which requires a particular skin colour for a particular character.

We’ve seen this same level of stupidity now play out with those suffering from gender dysphoria. Who would have ever thought the use of an incorrect pronoun could end you with a fine of up to $250,000!

 > Employers and landlords who intentionally and consistently ignore using pronouns such as “ze/hir” to refer to transgender workers and tenants who request them — may be subject to fines as high as $250,000. - ++Source++

This is, of course, crazy. Society over time adjusts to its ever changing diversity. Racism is the baggage left behind from tribalism, but as populations become more diverse with different ethnic groups, racism has declined rapidly. We also forget that sometimes it is not that someone is racist, but more they are just ignorant assholes. They don’t necessarily represent systemic racism within a community, but more that there are still ignorant and nasty people within communities. The same person who may look down upon a black man will often treat women poorly and bully someone because they are obese.

Now, I oppose racism; I oppose any discrimination against another for their ethnicity, place of birth, gender, belief system, ideology, or religion. A man (or woman) is defined by what they do and to judge them based on anything else other than this is discrimination. If my terminology is wrong when referring to a non-binary afro-American afflicted with dwarfism, then I’m not sorry, by all means correct me and I will endeavour to use whatever the preferred pronouns are in the future, but they are just ones best attempt to reference another.

Cancel Culture

With the uprisng of wokism has come something equally destructive, Cancel Culture.

 > Cancel culture or call-out culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those subject to this ostracism are said to have been "cancelled". - ++Source++

At its very core, cancel culture is censorship. It is blocking the speech, actions and services of another purely based on a different viewpoint from the majority.

A prime example of Cancel Culture in action is the recent debacle with Harry Potter author J.K Rowling.

Rowling expressed her concerns about how transgender rights could negatively affect women’s rights. Critics shamed her and called for her books to be removed from stores and woke teens all across the World called for J.K Rowling book burning pyres to be built.

One poor deluded woke induvidual stated:

 > The positive impact that J.K. Rowling's work had on millions of readers does not negate how her hateful lobbying has affected the trans community. This doesn't even touch on the harmful fatphobia, racism and valorization of supramacists and child abusers in her most famous work.
Your love of 'Harry Potter' is not more important than the lives of trans women. - ++Source++

I’m sorry, what!. The Harry Potter books are fictional stories based on fictional characters in a fictional world. I must have missed the harmful valorization of supremacists and child abusers in the books. But you know what, even if such valorization occurs, it’s a book, a story.

And as for J.K Rowlings comments on the effects of transgenders rights on women’s rights, it doesn’t matter whether you agree or not, it is her opinion, her concern and she is entitled to express her concerns without fear of the woke minions attempting to destroy her career and character.

We all have a right to express our opinions, whatever they may be. Organized gang mob censorship is not how a healthy functional society deals with words they don’t like. It simply slows the process of moral evolution. I happen to agree with J.K Rowling, but even if I didn’t, I believe her opinion counts. She has concerns for a reason, and maybe if you don’t agree, it’s because you haven’t considered every perspective of the discussion point.

Even the most vile of opinions do not need to be censored. If they are so vile, then unless you have a society of equally vile people, their opinions will go unheard and unseen as society at an individual level will decide to disregard them. Censorship works only when it is at an individual level. Anything more is an attempt at social engineering by a group with a shared ideology.

Not being woke can literally leave you broke.

**The Free Speech Union **@SpeechUnion1/ An alarming number of people are losing their jobs at the moment – or being suspended from them, pending investigations – because they've criticised some aspect of the Black Lives Matter movement.

June 6th 2020

2,737 Retweets5,367 Likes

Get with the programme, the groupthink, the ‘no room for debate’ just nod and agree, the hypocritical nonsensical and delusional new ideology also known as ‘woke’, or your out, do not pass go, do not collect £200, just go, you racist gender-phobic bigot!

While the risk seems to be more to higher-profile job positions and university staff, this cancel culture, this ‘stand in line or your out’ mentality is spreading to everyday people in everyday jobs, for example:

 > Some Cisco employees have been fired after making comments objecting to the company's support for the Black Lives Matter movement - ++Source++

Their inappropriate comments included:

 > "Black lives don't matter. All lives matter,"


 > "people who complain about racism probably have been a racist somewhere else to people from another race or part of systematic oppression in their own community,"

Pretty offensive, don’t you think?

I wonder who the person is that reads this and thinks “and rightly so, they should be fired, how dare they!”. Who in their right mind is going along with this?

Apparently, many people. The question is, are people going ‘woke’ to prevent being shunned?

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it has shown us just how much people want to be socially accepted. They want to do what they think others think they should do. Yes, there are a few people that genuinely believe putting a mask over your face while you shop is going to save a vulnerable granny (or is that generic elderly person, not sure). There are also those that genuinely believe being injected with multiple gene therapy products that have yet to complete their clinical trials and have no proven efficacy or safety is a valiant thing to do, but mostly, people abided by the state recommendations because they wanted to fit in. People want to be accepted as part of the herd. They don’t want confrontation and vindication, and I get it, but ultimately it’s a terrible thing.

We love to conform. I’m sure you’ve been in a situation where a crowd begins to clap after a speech or performance, it begins often with a small handful of claps, then this quickly goes parabolic until the entire crowd is clapping, including yourself - even if the performance was crap and you had no intention of clapping.

Standing elevation works the same way. A standing elevation for a performer can be easily fabricated. Just plant a dozen people in the crowd to stand at the end of the performance. The rest will follow. For the most part, we follow the herd.

The woke movement is much the same. But it is far more dangerous than a disingenuous standing elevation for a performance your thought sucked. This is effecting society negatively on a massive scale. It is effecting our children, our education, our history, our science and our livelihoods.

Freedom of speech and expression is vitally important for society. Without it, innovation and moral evolution will simply stagnate and decline.

But, I’m sure you already know that. The ‘woke’ won’t have reached this far. If they happened to stumble across this post, they will have begun crying and calling for my crucifixion several paragraphs ago.

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