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The Psyop Psyop


www.oye.news28.313 years agoHive.Blog4 min read


As tens of thousands of truckers continue to blockade the Canadian highways in act of solidarity against government tyranny, many ‘truthers’ do what ‘truthers’ do best. They begin to question and doubt the authenticity of the protest.

“It’s a psyop!”, they suggest. “Because look, these people here are raising money for the truckers and they are linked to this person, and this person is linked to this high profile corporate entity”, something fishy is going on, they say. “I don’t trust it, it’s a psyop!”, they plea…… yawn….

Now, I will not get into the details of whether the current Truckers protest is, or isn’t, a psyop, only that we see this same thing happen time and time again when it comes to anything that seems to be moving in our direction.

Whether it be a prominent figure in the alternative movement or an event which seems in favour of our own beliefs, we call “PSYOP!” - every time. Before long, doubt is placed into the minds of many supporters and traction in the cause slows down, often collapsing altogether.

Now, what if the real Psyop was the label itself, Psyop?

The term Psyop was coined by the US Military in the early 1900s in reference to their military operations during World War I. Psyop is short for Psychological Operations and refers to the act of using psychological warfare against a person, or more typically, a population. Through the use of propaganda, it is possible to sway entire populations into submission or some other behavioural response.

In the modern age, the term is flung around for just about any form of deception played out by another in an attempt to control the behavioural response of a group or population.

Anyone who has clambered down the rabbit hole will have come across the term, it’s used frequently to describe secret state operations, along with terms like ‘false flag’.

Keep that mind on a leash

The very nature of those of us that question the narrative is to, well, question the narrative; even when the narrative appears to support our beliefs. The problem with this though, is that nothing can ever be good enough. People turn against each other. No one trusts anyone and thus our efforts and power are lost, as we place doubts in each other’s minds and destroy the growth of anything great that we could achieve.

We see this all the time with well-known speakers in the alternative space. Name one prominent speaker that hasn’t been called out as a shill, cointel (counter intelligence) or controlled opposition?

You won’t find one, whether it’s Del Bigtree, Joe Rogan, David Icke, the guys over at UK Column or Max Igan - anyone with a large enough audience who speaks in line with our own view points will become called out as a shill or controlled opposition. Hell, I’ve even been called out as a shill and double agent before now. (an interesting story that I’ll get into one day)

It is our nature. Question everything, right?

Well, yes - question everything, but also use common sense and critical thinking.

Personally, I find it all very tedious, as the World crumbles around our feet, we group together to try and destroy much of the power we have, rather than support it and help it grow. Just because we don’t all agree with one another on every point does not mean the other person is not genuine, or intentionally providing misinformation. It more likely just means you have a difference of opinion, it could just be you, or the other person are wrong on some things (yes you could be wrong!)

We don’t have time for name calling and in-fighting. We must fight together, strong and united. The greatest Psyop the other side could hope for is one created by ourselves, it is our instinctive desire to doubt and question. The Psyop Psyop



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