Lagoa skatepark session with Vlad and Ironir Mera
We found a huge bluetooth speaker in the airbnb and decided to hop on the motorcycle and bring it to the Lagoa skatepark. I had no idea where Vlad was going to take me but i put on the motorcycle helmet and hoped for the best.
It was about 5 o clock when we left the house and we weaved our way through traffic to catch the last hours of daylight on the session. As i am writing this, i heard vlad say that I think we are going to Lagoa tomorrow too. May Christ the Redeemer be with us.
The park was sick. Palm trees surrounding it and right on the beach of a huge lake. It wasn't too crowded when we showed up but once we started shredding it became like Tampa Am, which is normally fine, since i'm like 10 years older than pretty much everyone else at the skatepark, they get out of my way for the most part.
But not here, haha, the kids were hyped and all skatepark etiquette went out the window.
This skatepark is a testament to what you can do with one tennis court's worth of space.
there is a huge bowl at this skatepark too, vlad said when we got home, i didnt even see it. ill look for it next time
See, the park is actually a DIY creation made by @pharra. It used to be a tennis court, but he and his team turned it into this skatepark. It skates like a DIY park too, no room for an extra push. the ground is super smooth though so its totally a good time. the quarter pipe coping is all dented and feels super cool to grind.
@ionirmera was driving past the skatepark and saw us so he stopped. legendary. I've been following this dude on skatehive for a long time. Hes older than me. I think hes 41. If you check the skatehive Feed, he posted his fakie backside flip on the quarterpipe there. super sick.
@ionirmera is a local legend. hes pro for a local company here called Nostolgic 90's. he gave me a sticker.
Anyways, the session was fun, Vlad had brand new board and was ripping. Vlad has a crazy good frontside bigspin. When i was filming him do this, i absolutely thought it was a frontside 180. i didn't see the board spin because it spun so fast and it was kinda dark, i also filmed it kinda shitty with the ledge in the way. look at his form on how he does it though.
Vlad blasted a huge kickflip off this bump before we were filming. We busted out the camera here to try and film it. He did a few in the video below but not as good as the first one, which is usually how it goes with skateboarding.
The sun went down and the park got pretty dark before the lights came on. the lights were awesome though! super bright LEDs that lit the park up really good.
I skated across the street and bought a water and Matcha. They have a kind of matcha here that is sold in a 2 liter bottle, and its made by Coca Cola. its pretty good, not too sweet.
I want to include that we met afroskater here for the first time. He doesnt have a hive account but he has instagram. His name is Pedro Vinício. I think he said he was 23 years old. He was trying hardflip over the rail with me.
I omitted his clip in the edit because it was slop but i want to include him in this post because he gave me a board in the future. As i'm writing this there is more that has happened, such as I entered a skate contest by myself and did a solo run at praca xv in front of tons of people. I don't have any footage of it though but we street skated after that and ill write about that day next skatehive post.
A short little edit but a fun one. lots of good shit went down that did not get captured on camera. I usually set the camera up on a tripod and im gonna have to begin trying to do that but ive been unsure to do that here in case someone swipes it while im not looking. Ive had my whole backpack stolen one time in chicago when i was skating a park by myself not paying attention to anything. i usually set the tripod up when its just me alone at a spot.
Alright. next episode is gonna be the skate contest at Praca xv and the street session afterwards. I'm going to have to get the clips from vlads phone. Ill do that now... web-gnar over and out!
