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Just Started Playing Golem Overlord and my impression with the game.

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vpeyas1.47last yearPeakD5 min read

Hello to all the Hive Gamers out there. So far all of us wants to get in to a new game developed here in Hive and to hoping that we can enjoy the game and invest our money wisely.

I know that most of us are hoping that playing a game specially on the beginning or Alpha Stage that we can expect to grow our initial investments.

So as I am browsing the Hive Engine for a specific token. I see a new token pop up in the list of tokens and its ranked number 3 on the list. This is my technique in seeing new games or tokens that has a potential to grow over time. Then I click on the trading of Part token and was amazed to see a lot of transactions within the day. And I said to myself I have to know what game is this. And search peakd and found out its Golem Overlord.


Read some articles of new players/investors and so far they have good reviews and insight with this new game.

I kinda forgot but I think you need to invest 25 hive tokens from you keychain balance in order to register for a new game account. Its quite Big for 25 hive tokens but as I mention I am also hoping that the game will last and the devs of the game will not just be thieves like most of other nft games out there that just after a few months their games are not working anymore and the devs just steals our money.

So I click on the website link and immediately register and got in the game window. The graphic was nice and looks very interesting. And Started to ask myself, So how to play the game now and make profit? for this is what we all really want to know "How to make Profit" so that we can immediately make some ROI (Return of Investments).
For 1hour of trying to understand myself the how to play the game and reading some articles here in peakd. I partly understood it and in the upper left part of the screen displays the players Stats like Level, Algorithm, Power and so on. Just hover on the mouse on each clickable stats and you will understand what are those. then below left part of the screen display is your history. Either you upgraded your stats or you attacked someone or someone just attacked your territory. Then in the upper right side of your screen shows your inventory of your Part tokens and shards. Just hover your mouse to it and it is self explanatory. Now the Blue crystal on the upper right side of your screen is the Battle Energy. Every time you attack someone by Clicking the Battle button on the lower right side panel of your screen. It will cost you 1 Battle Energy per attack. And this will replenish 1 Battle energy per 4hours. So plan your attack according to how many Battle Energy you have. Since when you attack there are chance also that you will lost an attack and some of your PART token stash in the Middle lower part of your screen might be deducted and will be credited to your enemy since you lost a battle.

So the objective also is to use more than 75% of your PART token by levelling up your stats or by staking.

Once you receive your inital 3 Parts token and 1 Shards. Make a decision on where to use or burn your PART token. For myself I use 1 to upgrade my Algorithm, 1 for Power (for my attack) and 1 for Fortification (for my territory defense). Next I am planning to upgrade my fortification hoping it will give me some better chance of winning incase someone will attack my territory and I can gain some Part token for claiming after the 8hours claim time.

So I think this is just about it.

The only downside of this game for me as my impression and review. Is that its kinda unfair because any player with any Rank and level can just attack you. So its quite obvious that you will lose and the player who has started this game in the very very early stage of the Alpha Stage will definitely win most of the attack. The Devs should be reprogramming this that every battle should have a good match according to players level. But maybe some additional equipments might be introduced later for the crates for upgrades. But as for me its quite unfair that level 10 can attacked me as level 1.

Oh about how to transfer Part token from ingame to hive engine and vice versa. Everytime you claim Part token and shards. It will display on your Hive Keychain. Then from Hive Keychain you can deposit/withdraw the tokens from keychain to hive engine and vice versa. I think most hive users knows how to do this already.

This is my review and impression of the game. Hopefully, this can help you as a new player or wanted to register for this new game here in Hive on some helpful informations. Please do message me if you have some more question. I will try my best in answering them. God bless everyone and Enjoy playing.


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