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Nexus Karambunai Resort - "Some Say It's Heaven" A Short Escapade


veenang72.123 years ago4 min read

It was one of those unplanned get away that you can't possible plan it. Moment like this is like hearing your guts feeling and just go ahead with it.

I was and still in the Tourism Industry, being working in this field sometimes you may have perks goes along the way for it. A friend of mine who works in the 5 star 🌟 Resort called Nexus Karambunai Resort, called me a few days before the check in date; that a customer gonna cancel their booking and finding somebody to take over the 2 nights stay in the Luxurious Garden Chalet of the resort, the customer whole family could not make due to unforeseen circumstances, this friend (works in the resort) has been a good buddy to me and ask whether to take the room. However, not for free and just pay the original guest 50% , because if cancellation policy at the last minute, the resort would not refund the money paid, so the original guest decided to accept 50% payment from me.
When comes to payment to him, he decided just to charge 2 rooms 50% off, then the 3rd room FREE for 2 nights!!! YEAHHH WHAT A BARGAIN !!! LOL ... 😆 🤣 😂
SO I TOOK IT !!! 2 DAYS Before check in, I told my wife, my in laws family, pack your bags, we going to the Beach ⛱... haha.. works plans reschedule, appointments has been postponed, staff and companies related matters need to address immediately before I go on for short holiday like this.
Nexus Karambunai Resort is 5 star 🌟 Resort outside of Kota Kinabalu City, just about 45min away. It lies within the coastline of South China Sea. This big ass Resort lies around 55acres of Land, dammm huge to roam around for sure.
I have a young toddler who love the pool very much, and bringing her to the pool is the highlight of this trip. Sarah is 2yrs6month, just love the water, she will drag me and say Swimming and Play water every time she see a pool nearby us.
Playing in the pool, is like a luxury thing for me, as for a City folks like me staying in an apartment, swimming and playing in the pool is not a everyday thing, so definately I will cherish it.
The point of this blog is not about being in Nexus Karambunai Resort, but I am grateful for what I have, my friends around me, my families, the love and care on my daughter & wife, the humbleness that I carry all these while , and cherish the small little things in life.
If it's not because of that friend works in the resort I may not have known on this 50% stay at a Luxurious Resort, if not because of my staff (that I can trust ) I may not be enjoying the time. If not because of my openness and friendly gestures to the original customer, he may not give me the 3rd room for free for 2 nights.

I may not be the son of a rich family, but I work hard and work smart to give everything on the table for my family, small achievements I made is a big thing for me, if its a big accomplisment I always be humble to accept and always give more than I take. Sometimes my wife even say , why I give more to others than I take less, I always answer may be he needs it more than me, may be his family is more suffer than us.
I don't usually ask for favours , I get my favours done appropriately and get it done smartly, I am more unto the journey experience rather than the end result. Some Say I am a go getter, I am fixer, I get it done, I try and I get (somehow and some where) I get it DONE.
May be its just by nature and my personality works , being humble to most situation, being care to others, and being nice to everyone. My friends say I am blessed with countless of helps and care, may be ?? I let God be the judge to that.

Have blessed day ahead ... cheers on .. keep grinding , keep moving.

Peace out



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