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Pissing on the Rule of Law is what Banks do, and the Fed wants to do it to You


valued-customer2.4 K7 months agoPeakD4 min read

IMG source - Best Evidence on Odysee.com 'Please Refrain from Pissing on the Rule of Law, Madam Secretary', ~7 minutes spitting facts

There have been moneychangers for millennia. Prior to the invention of coinage they exchanged sheep for copper, or corn, or beaver pelts. Their larceny was often unbounded, because using the assets at their fingertips - often not theirs - they could kick back a chunk of change to kings and warlords to gain the services of a bunch of mercenaries to forcibly take whatever they wanted from whoever they wanted to take it from, and often the only law was might makes right (which is why there were kings and warlords).

By the 13th Century the nobility had enough, and they sat down King John and hammered out the Magna Carta which established laws that still pertain today. John Titus of Best Evidence lays out the present exigency we are all in, as banks today claim our assets in a process called 'Bail Ins'. If you read your ToS with your bank you will find language that describes the legal situation regarding your bank account. You have given the bank money in exchange for it's promise to pay you some interest (and charge you fees to take your money), and to pay you back under certain conditions.

This is not a position I want to be in with banks, because they are larcenous thieves, and have only been restrained by the power of government as wielded by political power other than kings and warlords since the Magna Carta was enacted. It is blatantly obvious today that the political power of plebs in democracies is not well respected, as our various governments treat us more like barnyard animals and banks again practice rapine, only today on a national scale, rather than stealing one estate at a time.

Neither are CEX's and crypto any different, which is obvious from AML and KYC rendering us personally identifiable and our assets seizable, as well as the sudden influx of banksters into the BTC market. It is foolish not to fear their millennia of experience taking money that isn't theirs using force and lies when it is your assets ripe for plunder. Since the advent of BTC in 2009, a multitude of means of taking it from it's owners have been used, demonstrating that cryptographic keys aren't a fool proof way to secure digital assets.

The upshot here is that if Yellen and the Fed can take Russia's money, because of any reason other than Russia owes it to them and there's documents with wet ink signatures in Russian to that effect, then Yellen and the Fed can do the same thing to you. You may not like Russia, but you only have the same rights and laws securing your assets they have. If you cheer when the Fed creates a precedent that they can take money from people just because they don't like them, sooner or later they'll find something about you they don't like.

That's the basis of the rule of law. No one, not you, not Russia, nor the Fed, have any rights everyone else doesn't. Defend it, because it defends you. Break it, and break your defenses. We've had the rule of law for less than a millennium, and civilization and the felicity of humanity has blossomed in that time, creating a paradise unimaginable by our forebears whose burden of larcenous theft of their assets prevented them from profitably investing prior to it's advent. We are losing it today... No, it's being TAKEN from us by larcenous banksters and corrupt politicians. We need to hold onto our wallets around these people, but we can't unless we do the same thing the nobility did, and unify to demand just laws continue to secure our rights and property. Klaus Schwab doesn't think we will. He predicts we'll own nothing.

We can't fight for the rule of law if we're fighting each other. Now is the time to stand firmly together to oppose squatters stealing people's homes, banks stealing people's accounts, and governments stealing our children's birthrights by saddling them with unpayable debts that will impoverish them. We are not given the highwayman's choice, 'Your money or your life.' We are defending the lives AND money of our posterity, as well as ourselves. Thieving banksters want it all, and they'll get it unless we oppose them by defending just laws and courts.


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