Being A Teenager In The 90's
I am a bit late to this, but I really wanted to take part, especially after reading @consciouscat and @riverflows posts. I have mixed feelings about my School years, especially Secondary School, which is more commonly know as High School, for those living outside of Ireland and the U.K. I didn't really enjoy being there, but it was better than being at home. Thanks @ericvancewalton, for the opportunity to reflect on my Secondary School Years.
That's me about to blow out the candles on my birthday cake, I was turning 15 or 16 there.
Did you know your current love in high school?
I don't have a current love, so that's an easy no from me.
What type of car did you drive?
I didn't drive a car in school. I did learn to drive in my teens, but never had the money to do my test or buy a car. I took a bus to school. Well in my final years, I hitched to school, whilst telling my mum I was still taking the bus, so that I could keep the money she thought she was paying to the driver.
What kind of work did you do?
In the summers I picked strawberries and raspberries. For 1.25 an hour. Then in the winter, I worked n the same farm, harvesting the Brussel Sprouts. I also done some babysitting as well, throughout the year.
Where did you live?
I lived in the countryside, well bog land to be exact in Ireland. Co Offaly, in the midlands. I lived 14km from my school, the nearest village was 5km away.
Were you popular?
No not really. I was quite shy. I used to get teased a lot, because of my name and the way that I dressed and also because of the music I listened to.
Were you in a band or choir?
Me and two of my friends, wanted to start a band, we had the name and all picked out " Purple Insomnia", I was going to play he drums and sing. But it never happened, as I never got drums. I was part of the choir for the Musical Grease, as well as playing Cha Cha.
What did you do after your graduation ceremony?
We didn't have a graduation ceremony. But after we finished our final exams, I went to the pub with my friends and got drunk. I drank way too much Guinness and spend most of the night puking into the bin in my bedroom, which I shared with my younger sister. We still talk about that night, how I woke her up and forced her to sleep in the sitting room, because the smell was so bad,
Ever get suspended?
No. The closest I got, was being kicked out of my English class, because I questioned my teacher, asking her how she could know the meaning of a certain poem, when the poet had died a long time ago and never left any notes, about what the poem meant to him. She refused to teach me after that.
If you could go back, what experience would you relive?
Rehearsing for Grease the musical, I had a lot of fun doing that. Also hanging out in the bat cave during lunch break with my friends.
Did you ever skip school?
No, although I was late for a class once, because I went up the town to buy some grass, from a guy that we were told about. He actually sold us grass clippings, you know from a lawn. Me and y friend were too scared to confront him about it, after we realised. We felt like such idiots.
Did you attend football games?
No. I did attend a few Hurling matches though, it's a much better sport.
What was your favourite subject?
Geography was my favourite subject. I loved learning about land formations.
Do you still have your yearbook(s)?
I never got a year book, it's not a thing in Ireland, well it wasn't in my school anyway.
Did you follow your intended career path?
I had no idea what I wanted to do. I ended up doing nursing, because I didn't have to pay to study and I got a bursary. Plus I got to move away from Ireland and go to London.
Do you still have your high school ring?
I have no idea what that is.
Who was your favourite teacher?
Hmmmm, I don't have one.
What was your hairstyle?
My hair was long, I was a gunge kid. I did put lots of plaits in it at one point. I also used food dye to dye it.
What were your favourite shoes?
My Doc Martins and my Army Boots.
What was your favourite food?
I don't remember to be honest, probably roast veg.
Who was your favourite singer?
Oh that's a tough one. I loved The Doors, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Sound Garden and so much more. I don't think can pick a favourite. Hmm. I also loved Alanis Morrisette.
What cologne did you wear?
Perfume was never something I liked.
How old were you when you graduated?
I was 18.
Did you have any nicknames?
I was teased because of my surname which is Carr. I was called Lada, which was meant to be an insult. I was also called Motor Mouth, even though I was shy. The worst was Petrol Pussy.
What high school did you attend?
I attended St Mary's Secondary School.
What year did you graduate?
I graduated in 1996
What’s changed the most about the world since you graduated?
Wow, well the introduction of social media has had a huge affect on the world. On the way that we see ourselves and how we think we should behave. I am so glad that I got to be a teenager in the 90's. The world felt safer then, but maybe that's because we were more isolated from the rest of the world. With the internet, we know so much more, which can be both god and bad. People are generally more paranoid now, less trusting of others. I think the biggest thing, is how fearful people are, of everything.
How have you changed since high school?
I am so much more happy and content. I was very self conscious and fearful as a teenager. I doubted myself all of the time, which I think, is normal for most teenagers. I am much more out going as well. I also really don't care what others think of me.
If you could time-travel and tell your teenage self something what would it be
I would tell myself, that I am enough.
That I am deserving of love.
That there is nothing wrong with me, that I did nothing to deserve the treatment I got at home.
That I am loved. To not listen to all those kids who liked to tease me, that I am beautiful just the way I am.
To always listen to myself and never do anything that I don't want to do.