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Allowing My Days To Flow, Creates Space For Me To Be Productive


trucklife-family11.2 K2 years agoPeakD6 min read

I am not the most organized person. The rebel within me, resists this idea of law and order. (I know sometimes there is a time and a place). But I like to just go with the flow. If things need to be done, I will get them done, but I really like to just let my days happen.

I do not take well, to people telling me what to do, I am more than capable of doing things myself, thank you very much. I can see how this mindset has held me back at times, especially when people offer their help. But I am fiercely independent and I have to be, in order to live the way that I do.
What I do like, is being open to spontaneity and welcoming the many opportunities for learning, that come with it. I have found that if one is too set in their ways, then they often miss out, on so much in life.

Like Bruce Lee said, "Be like water, my friend".

Water always finds a way, no matter what. So allowing things to flow more, both in and out of our lives, enables us to find a way to deal with whatever happens. We can be confident in finding a way to overcome any obstacles. Instead of shutting down and becoming stuck.

So my day to day activities and chores vary, nothing is ever set in stone. Things more or less happen, when they happen. Of course I have various things, I need to get done. I am a solo mama after all. But I no longer put myself under any pressure, because what can not be done today, can be done tomorrow.

The most important things that I need to do each day, are similar for many of us, growing and making food, being present for my children, (which includes Homeschooling), cleaning our home space and one that I have not long been putting into practice, taking more time for myself.

I live most of my life outdoors. So many of the chores I have to do, take place outdoors. That is where my sink is, so it is where I wash my dishes and also where I wash my clothes. I do this barefoot with the sun on my face early morning and with it on my back in the evening.

We also eat a lot outdoors, something I love to do. There is a lot to be said for breathing in fresh air, whilst you dine on the food you prepared for your family. Some of which, I have helped to grow.
 I live this way, so that both myself and my girls get to experience the elements, so that we get to experience life in all it's chaotic glory. And yes, my life can get chaotic at times, who's doesn't.

When it does, I rest more and make a point of taking deeper breaths. If a few things have to be left undo, then so be it. I have learnt, well I am still learning, to just let those expectations go. Life always goes on and it is important that we continue with it.

Most days I dance, I put some music on and just surrender to it. Dancing, is one of the ways, which really helps me to keep moving forward in life. Movement is so important, when we need to shift things in our minds, get up and walk or climb or dance and it will happen.

It's all about getting those creative juices flowing.

This week, the wonderful Minimalist Community have asked us to share how we get things done and the space that we create. so that we can be productive.

 One of the most important things I can share, is the importance of slowing down. So that we can be really present, when we do the work that needs to be done.

I don't really like to use the word chores, although my daughters use it. To me, it implicates doing something you would rather not be doing. Which, is really not the way you should look at those things, that you feel you have to or need to do. That there, is what hinders your flow.
Our mindset is so important, the way in which we choose to view things, how we vies ourselves, has a huge impact on our lives. It creates the environment in which we live, in which we surround ourselves with.

It is our thoughts, that put us in flow and they can also put us against it. I used to feel so guilty, if I didn't get things done, feeling like I had to be active all of the time. It took me, quite a while to let go of that guilt.

There really is, no need to place so much pressure upon ourselves. Not when we are living a well balanced life.

And what does living in balance, look like to me?

Well, it's much more about the feeling actually and the willingness to trust, that all, will be well.

We are creators first and foremost. Each day, is so important to take the time to create, in whatever shape or form that takes for you. Just like our food fuels us, so too, does our creative expression.

Everything is connected.


I make time to connect with my girls each day, aside from when we are learning together. If I feel tired, then I rest if I can. I try my best to listen to my body and response to it's needs. If I am out of balance, That it is much harder for me to be productive and creative.

I do the things I need to do, in an environment that I flourish in and that is outside in nature. I take my time, unless there is a need to be quicker and if I am feeling uninspired then I do what inspires me. I dance, take a walk, sing or write.



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