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Sniper Ghost Warrior: Mission #3 Dangerous Grounds Gameplay


toffer2.3 K4 years agoPeakD7 min read

Dangerous Grounds


Mission #3: The Game Opening

In the opening of the game, the HQ explained to Razor Six Four what is the objectives of this mission. Let's read what HQ said.

HQ: Alpha Nine and Stingray fell in a trap. O'neil, Alpha Nine spotter has been wounded and was evacuated from the area.
HQ: Sergeant Tyler Wells, codename Razor Six Four is to continue to the mission on his own. Meanwhile, a rescue mission is set to free Agen Rodriguez.
HQ: Delta Three, an assault team will neutralize the enemy communication and storm the camp where Rodriguez is being held.



Mission #3 Dangerous Grounds is the continuation of mission #2 No Man Left Behind. In the opening of this mission you need to "Use stealth to sneak to the lighthouse". It means you need to be quiet to avoid seeing you you can use the grass or bushes to sneak out to the enemies. During the sneak out it has one bad guy passing in front of you and standing at the bridge you can avoid the one bad guy or terminate that.


Screenshot 1 & 2

During the sneaking time you can find a bad guy standing to the shore you can ignore him or terminate him. I choose to terminate him to avoid seeing me.


Screenshot 3 & 4

After a moment that I terminated the bad guy to the shore, it has a bad guy crossing the path in front you can waiting or terminate the bad guy.


Screenshot 5 & 6

Meanwhile, the HQ radio you and gives an instruction to Razor Six Four. The HQ said "Razor Six Four, we have an unidentified convoy approaching you from the East. If possible engage and report back. Stay low, stay sharp". After the HQ reporting to Razor Six Four, it has a bad guy standing on your way you need to terminate him using your sniper rifle.



Screenshot 7 & 8

Another bad guy standing and waiting on your right-side you need to terminate him also to avoid seeing you. I terminating the bad guy using the pistol with a silencer


Screenshot 9 & 10

After terminating those two bad guys the cutscene #1 appear on your screen. The cutscene #1 Razor Six Four walking quietly towards the bad guy he terminating the bad guys using his knife.


Screenshot 11 & 12

This cutscene #2 is the continuation of the cutscene #2. Razor Six Four saw a three military convoy and he radio the HQ to reporting that. This is the report of Razor Six Four to the HQ "Mother Two, this is Razor Six Four. I got a visual on the convoy. Three military vehicles packed with enemy soldiers. A transport truck escorted by 2 jeeps. The leading jeep is carrying what looks like a higher ranking officer". The HQ reply to Razor Six Four "Roger that, Razor Six Four. Seems like something big is about to go down. Avoid contact, proceed as planned".


Screenshot 13 & 14

After the cutscene #1 & #2 Razor Six Four continue to his mission. Razor Six Four waiting behind the bushes because it has two bad guys walking toward the path. You can engage the two bad guys or avoid engaging them and wait until it's gone.


Screenshot 15 & 16

By the time Razor Six Four headed to the lighthouse more enemies engaging him and shooting him so you need to defend yourself you can also approaching them and shooting back or sneaking quickly.


Screenshot 17 & 18

After Razor Six Four engaging the enemy soldiers he runs uphill up to the lighthouse.


Screenshot 19 & 20

In the hill Razor Six Four saw a one bad guy standing so you need to terminate that one bad guy. I terminating the bad guy using the military knife.


Screenshot 21 & 22

After terminating the bad guy it has another one bad guy talking inside the lighthouse you need to terminate that bad guy also. I terminating the bad guy inside the lighthouse using the pistol.


Screenshot 23 & 24

After terminating the bad guy inside the lighthouse you need to go up using the stairs of the lighthouse. When Razor Six Four reaching the top of the lighthouse the cutscene #3 appears on your screen. Razor Six Four terminating the bad guy using his knife and dropped it to the ground.


Screenshot 25 & 26

After the cutscene #3 Razor Six Four proceed to the mission he radios the HQ for the report he said "In position. I got a clear view of the area". The HQ reply to Razor Six Four the HQ said "Delta Three is nearly in position. The area is most likely under enemy sniper protection. Locate and neutralize the hostile shooters".

Using the AS50 Razor locating the hostile shooters. The first shooter located at the satellite tower and the other shooter located at the church. After Razor Six Four locating the hostile shooters he marking the position. Razor Six Four said, "Mother Two, If I use the AS50, it'll alarm the hostile". The HQ reply to Razor Six Four the HQ said "Once you know their positions we'll have the jets fly-in low. That should cover your shots". By the time the jets fly-in low Razor Six Four shooting the hostile shooters.

Hostile Shooter #1


Screenshot 27 & 28

Hostile Shooter #2


Screenshot 29 & 30

After Razor Six Four shooting the two hostile shooters he reported to the HQ via radio he said "This is Razor Six Four. It worked. No one knew about the shots. We're good to go". Razor Six Four saw a transaction with three heavily armed soldiers, one higher rank plus one civilian. After Razor Six Four saw the three heavily one hostile shooter shooting Razor Six Four and engaged and shooting hostile enemies in the ground.


Screenshot 31 & 32

After Razor Six Four terminating the other hostile shooter all of the hostile enemies in the ground taking cover and it has a truck driving away from the location and mission #3 ends.


Screenshot 33

Mission #3 is completely so you in the next mission.


PS: All the photographs that I provided it's come from the game itself using the snapshot.
Game Statistics


Game Information

  • Mode: Story

  • Difficulty: Easy
    Game Minimum System Requirements

  • OS: Windows XP (SP3) / Vista&trade (SP1) / 7

  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz, Intel Pentium D 2.66 GHz, AMD Athlon G4 3500+ AMD Athlon 64 3500+

  • Memory: 1GB for XP / 2GB for Vista and 7

  • Graphics: Nvidia 6800 or ATI X1650, 256 MB RAM, Shader Model 3.0

  • DirectX: DirectX 9.0c

  • Sound: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c

  • Hard Drive: 6.5 GB or free hard drive space

My System Specs

  • System Model: Aspire E5-573
  • CPU: Core i3 3rd Gen, 2.4 GHz (4 CPUs)
  • Memory: 4GB
  • OS: Win10

Stay safe, Stay home.


Thanks For Visiting My Article I appreciate Your Precious Time!

Best Regards, @toffer


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