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Words with acts of Grace...

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tikatarot859.32last month2 min read




In the world when you’re trapped with an endless loop, where words are tossed around
In the world where you’re trapped with daily life demands, where duties are here and there
In the world where you’re trapped with the invisible success trap, where no one can clearly define
In a world where you’re trapped with passion and perfection, where words without actions means failure…

Ideas float like feathers in the wind, easy blown and easily trapped in the waterable emotions
Ideas lies truth that is yet to reveal, can be shared or could be kept forgotten and to be abandoned
Ideas alone can never be proven, even if you wanted to convince yourself that you did once thought of that
Ideas can also free your burden, can lift your spirits high or can even break your peace and make your heart ache…

Words alone can build friendships, build a bond the bridges together even on storm seas
Words alone can gain peace and calm, even where walls of fear and hate reside
Words alone can spark a flame, where closeness or attachment is born in ways you cannot describe
Words alone can change a life, in memory or through words or poems utterly written…

Let words be your truth follow through in actions and soon you can judge both through growth
Let words align your heart, mind and hand, united they stand in play where they sync perfectly
Let words be your music to your mind’s dance, where trust of both is lifted high and your spirits are uplifted by actions
Let words be spoken with care but with acts of grace, so words will not fall out of place thus let actions be your truest star…
Words and poems utterly written
Walls of fear and hate reside
Spirits are uplifted by action
Words without action means failure


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..


As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”




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