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tibilopez604.07last monthPeakD3 min read


Hello dear friends of this beautiful Community, here again with you to share another experience with my great friend “THE COFFEE”.

10pm my phone rings, (almost ready to go to sleep), I answer and it was the daughter of a very dear friend (Sareth), I was a little scared because it is not usual for her to call me at that time of the night.

With a worried voice she informed me that her mother was ill and needed an emergency surgery, for that she needed a hip prosthesis, which could only be acquired in a place in the city of Caracas/Venezuela, she was 8 months pregnant and very anguished about her mother, she needed to go with her husband and her 5 year old son to get the prosthesis very early the next day, and they had no car to go, so that call was to ask me that favor to take her to Caracas.

I gladly offered my help and at 7am the next day I was already at her house and we left.

We arrived at the place where Mr. José, the one who sells the prosthesis (Hospital de Clínicas Caracas in San Bernardino)quoted us at 8am, which was the time he indicated to see us. It was 9am and the gentleman did not arrive at all, he arrived at 9:30am, we waited for an hour and a half standing in front of the clinic, without knowing this gentleman and with $4,000 in cash (my friend's daughter had it in her wallet).

Upon arrival Mr.Jose apologized for the delay and invited us to go to the clinic, there we went to the cafeteria, where the first thing he did was to invite us a coffee, Sareth's husband did not want to,

He ordered three lattes, which were very rich and frothy.

We started to talk about the prosthesis and Mr. Jose told us that it had a price of $5000, we all saw each other's faces and immediately Mr. Jose noticed the anguish that Sareth's face reflected.


Sareth only had $4000 and her mother's operation was urgent and was scheduled for the next day at 7am. Some tears came out of her eyes stating that she did not have enough money.

I took the floor, explained to Mr. Jose the seriousness of the situation and asked him not to leave them at $4000 which was what Sareth had. At first Mr. Jose was a little uncomfortable, but after explaining to him everything that the family was going through, he accepted the $4000 at that moment, but that they would get $200 more and they could pay it in one month and in two parts.

Sareth's tears subsided, now he expressed a beautiful smile of gratitude for the kindness of that gentleman who only knew him by phone.

Definitely my friend “THE CAFË” is always present in the good and not so good times keeping that balance we all need!


Thanks for making it this far, I'm sure I'll be writing again very soon in this amazing community.

All photos are my own, taken from my TECNO POVA NEO cell phone, edited in Canva in its free version.

I use Deepl translator (free version).


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