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Flowing in Nature´s Cycle


thepromisedland21.942 years ago3 min read

In the Promised Land we are excited to announce the beginning of the planting season.🌻🌼🌱🌺🥀


Even thought it is early March and we are in an elevation of 1000m, we couldn´t resist to plant the first seeds with this beautiful weather.
The wise babas (grandmothers) say that after 1 of March, celebration of Baba Martha here in Bulgaria, is already possible to start the planting season, even thought possible frost could come.

For an extended growing season in the mountains, we took as first step the creation of a greenhouse.

Our balcony is south facing plus the foundation is solid rock that stores all the heat, perfect location for happy plants growing indoors.
During some sunny day, we had temperatures of 28ºC already inside the greenhouse and during the night we are placing the seedlings in the basement which is quite warm.

We like to watch around in Nature for simple solutions when we take action in our projects.
For the construction of the greenhouse we collected hazelnut branches from the forest, bend them and tied with rope or nail sometimes.



We were very happy of utilising such a simple method.

In the garden area we observed that the ground has very little top soil, is high in clay and rocks the deeper you go.
Even though the tales tell the soil is highly fertile, sometimes it is needeed to help nature to enrich the soil adding organic matter, compost and mulch.

Close to our house we discovered the foundation of a small building. The site was totally overgrown. The inside of the remaining walls is filled with rocks and broken rooftiles, burried under a thick layer of black soil mixed with organic matter from the surrounding trees and bushes.



We started to dig and separate the materials to rocks, rooftiles and soil. To be able to collect pure soil we constructed us a big net that we throw showels of soil against.


Only the smaller particles are falling through the meshwire and the soil is being separated from the rocks.


 This amazing soft and aireated soil we carried with wheelbarrels to the garden area ready to be placed in our raised beds.
-Link to stone raised beds making by @maha.mahalla (https://ecency.com/hive-140635/@maha.mahalla/building-raised-beds-with-dry)



With the soil ready, the sayings of the wise babas and the help of different sources like "Biodynamic Moon Calendar (Sidereal Zodiac) for planting" from Maria Thun, yesterday 2 of March we could already plant some flowers and medicinal herbs.
 I sing mantras to the seeds, send them my best intention and love for their growth and life.

I activated their germination with my saliva creating a unique union.
The seeds carry your information throught their proccess of growth and life in an special intimate relationship.
Sources from "Anastasia" Vladimir Megre, as well as my personal beliefs and experiences.

Many of the seeds we could sow them directly in the soil but until the garden has a natural fence, the chickens are happily in liberty so we want to make sure seeds don´t get eaten.




Also it is the second week that we are selling eggs!


All pictures are made by the Promised Land unless mentioned.

We feel bless to be in the flow of Nature´s cycle, she show us all wisdoms when we listen carefully....🌼🕉️


Thank you for passing by.

Soon coming more.... of "The Promised Land"🌼🌲🌻🌱
Aum Shanti


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