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Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part twelve


thegoliath2.2 Klast monthPeakD6 min read


Super tough mutant fighting day

Heading South once more but this time sticking off to the side a bit further and diverting when possible, Arghrash comes across what looks like some Gunners by a tank and he needs to head that way.. he does a sneak damage to injure one right away, there are at least two or three rushing him with an exchange in this fire fight.

Gunner Corporal legendary is the toughest but with help of some chems and the laser he was taken care off, barely as the health is low for Arghrash.


"Shit that was close but I better finish off the others before I start looting" he said to himself as he went and attacked the Gunner Conscript.

The gunner had a laser as well which meant he was strong, strong enough that it only took one hit from that laser and it was death for the madman.



This time there wasn't any wasted time which meant that location hadn't been claimed by the Gunner's and allowed roaming freely, getting to the location he was aiming for ready for the chaos about to unfold.

With a shot into the compound at a super mutant and another to lure some out, a mutant hound and suicider were heading his way and the laser was needed for that quick kill on the hound.


Once the hound had been disposed of quickly, it was time to ensure the suicider was not able to get close enough. "Take this you filthy suicider and eat your only nuke to the face!" shounted Arghrash as he took a few shots and blew the nuke up, taking the suicider with it and laughing at the explosion.


The super mutants were about to get the last laugh. Arghrash was sneaking up closer for better aim and damage against the remaining few, he got close enough to the compound to hear a click sound.. he stepped on one of their landmines and instantly regretted not paying attention to the ground as his arm and leg were blown off, causing instant death!


"Okay okay hopefully this time is better for me now I know to mine my step, ha! see what I did there?" Arghrash looked around like a fool thinking someone would have heard it but he was alone.

This time a bar had been setup near the encampment but why? Either way it was a stupid thing to do as the suicider and hound went for the poor fool wanting to make some money.. the suicider was just giving a big swing down with the nuke and boom!



Coming along the road for him were just a hound and normal mutant which were dispose of with a mine next to a car that would cause an explosion from both, destroying them and allowing looting the bodies by the bar which was barely anything there.

The bigger building in the compound had a super mutant on top and one inside, Arghrash sat there from a distance taking shots with the rifle and using up all his ammo for it.

He managed to get quite a few shots onto both which should weaken them so when he gets up close to finish them off, it shouldn't be very hard.


Up close to the place which happens to be called Coast Guard Pier which makes sense due to the river and the bridge and keeping control of it, he had to take out a normal super mutant first in the pier tower.


Focus was then turned back quickly to that big building where he found the one on the roof to be a legendary super mutant brute.. that's why it was taking a long time to kill it from far but nothing the righteous authorities laser cannot settle!

"Looks like I have now cleared out this area of super mutants and hounds. Now I can loot up the place and possibly disarm some landmines just outside the compound, claiming them for my own use since they are so effective" he thought to himself as he took a deep breath and relaxed.


Picking the safe lock was pretty easy for a harder difficulty lock, but it held some nice ammo and other loot so long as carry weight wasn't an issue. He thought there would be more but there was a few other containers holding ammo, weapons and meds that could be grabbed while looking around.

Out in the downed helicopter outside, the holding cell key was found including a few rounds of ammo like nearly all times he will open storage that is being kept safe by anything or anyone.



"Ah a cell with a comfy bed for me to rest in now this place is safe to do so, a locked door needing some more skill to hack the terminal which looks to have some awesome loot in it, and look here, a copy of Astoundingly Awesome Tales to read before my rest."

Arghrash read it which helps improved scoped weapon damage, before taking a long sleep to be refreshed once again as this was a crazy and hectic day.



This was Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part twelve. Be sure to stay tuned to see what crazy things happen next and how Arghrash goes with surviving.

You can find Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part eleven here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Fallout 4 on survival mode.

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