Everyone Deserves Flowers - (A Series of Flower Paintings).

Good Day Art Lovers,
I'm so happy to share with you all a body of work I just concluded "Everyone Deserves Flowers". For the past three weeks, I just found myself artistically addicted to flowers and I sincerely do not know how I got myself so caught up but the feeling was great nonetheless....
I made series of drawings of flower vases and at some point I felt the interest to create painted versions of the flowers and just with a simple step of interest I was able to create three beautiful paintings of flower vases.
I decided to pass the message of accolades with the flower vases. There are many moments where we see people do remarkable things in their own little ways and instead of us appreciating them, we tend to overlook them like they've done nothing, whereas, we ourselves can't even dare to make an attempt to create or do what they have done successfully. With this being said, let's learn to always give people their flowers when they deserve it and when they can actually collect it!

Kindly share your thoughts as comments below, I'll be glad to read and reply them all. Thanks.
