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Grounded: Fighting Our Way To The HedgeLab!


technicalside5.7 Klast monthPeakD6 min read






Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!


Well Heck! Things Are Wilder Than Ever!
Seriously they are! We've not really jump in any further with this game yet as this episode was recorded about a week ago BUT I think we need to do another session this weekend!!

However this might be a fun one... so to speak...Dying isn't always that fun but at the very least we are gaining progress... Except for at the end there! There we died like flies!

Yeahp!!! That's me falling down through the branches and leaves! Nope this was not part of the plan but we improvise as we go!
It's hella dark in the hedge now anyways and ThiNk said we should get some parachutes and that means chopping up some dandelions!!




A Way Out!

The first thing we needed to do was get ourselves back to a safe area and everything in between the "Hedge Ascent" and our first field station was sort of a battleground! Not actually but it was!
You can't just seem to run in a straightline and get to where you want to be! Nope! To top it off nicely I didn't even have a torch I was yoloing out there on the hopes that ThiNk would light my path for me!

Anyone Fancy a swim? We don't but we have too!



Imagine the terror when that thing cracks off! It would be one watery hellish storm!





Wildly Different!

Here is what I like the most! Almost anything and everything you run into can be farmed and mined! The tic tac's chilling somewhere in the yard! The blueberries falling from the Hedge! The nails inside this wood plank! We can even hammer those up!

Now it might not be the game for everybody but dang I can't wait to see what I can use all of this crap for! The nails obviously will be something you can build like shelter or weapons but what!

And what do you need to hammer them down with! Something that I can craft even for how small I am? We will have to see!




Back At The Field Station!

This is something we don't slip up on! I told ThiNk that we need to burn that machine out of necessary but we need to always study something! Progression is the key forward right!
Now here's the catch we've almost researched everything we could find! We still have a lot to discover but for now we studied some blueberry and it gave us quite a bit of perks! The blueberry along with the acorns we found allowed us to craft stronger armor.



With that said we decided on just using the torso piece on the acorn armor since we were using the "Red Ant Headpiece" it helped a great deal to keep the red ants off of us!




We Are Stuck!

That's the terrors of the night hey! You get caught up where you are and you can't leave unless you want to become some spider belly filler!
Now we messed around for a great deal of time at the field station but for good reason! We needed to armor up and get ready for the adventures ahead! That didn't include running into a HUGE spider that would gut both of us up like nothing ever seen before!
This was a tense and fun moment! REAL FUN!



Back To The Hedge Ascent!
We had stuff to do and labs to raid! No time for sitting around!

We made our way back to the "Hedge Ascent" and things went smoothly from there on! We wont talk about the fact that we never got dandelions for parachutes in our first run and good old noob me kept falling from the tree!
But I think it was worth it? Just take a good long look at that view! It's absolutely insane!


Oh Yeah I Got It Now!





We Got Sidetracked!
Into hell I'd say!

We made our way up the hedge back to the labs when we discovered this ugly looking spiders nest! When we saw what was trapped inside we high tailed it out of there real fast! REAL FAST!

Some of the biggest spiders we've seen so far was food for whatever lurked inside!



Back To The Hedge For Us Then!




The lab wasn't out of reach anymore! We discovered it between the hedges and it looked absolutely breathtaking! Dang! What A find!





The Lab!

We got seperated for a while there and fortunately for us things didn't get too hectic!
I once again fell from the tree branches but I managed to make my way back to ThiNk rather than for us to restart the entire run!

We started diving into the lab but it was a bit too hard for us to battle it out in there! If we had the sister to help us we would have likely been fine but that's a quest for another day then!

I'll make a post for just the lab seperately then it wont be too long and too confusing! I hope you can enjoy this one!







Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!











To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.







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