Walking Nature World Hosts Share Comprehensive Review of Sawyer Mini Water Filter for Hiking
By: Walking Nature World
Dima and Angelina, the hosts of the Walking Nature World YouTube channel, give a comprehensive review of the Sawyer Mini water filter. Firsty, they discuss its compactness, lightness, and the ability to filter up to 100,000 gallons of water, while removing 99.9% of bacteria. They also highlight its impressive 0.1 micron filtration level. However, it was made known that the filtering process can be quite time-consuming and the water pouch has a limited capacity of 0.5 litres. Despite the disadvantages, they praised the durability of the pouch after years of use and usage ease.
Summarily, the duo professed their satisfaction with the Sawyer Mini water filter. Despite a few limitations, they gave kudos to its effectiveness, simplicity, and longevity. They encourage all hikers to consider using it due to its ability to filter out harmful bacteria from water. Notwithstanding, they advise against using it for very dirty or contaminated water. The filter is available in a variety of colours at different prices on Amazon and outdoor stores.
#SawyerMini #WaterFilter #Hiking #OutdoorGear #ProductReview
