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Coronavirus And UBI: Quest For More Government Control

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taskmaster4450le17.3 K5 years ago3 min read

There is no doubt that the establishment is operating according to a tried and true paradigm.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Here we see something very interesting taking place.

Before we start, I do want to say that I emphatically believe that some type of basic income is going to be required. Technology is simply advancing too quickly to ignore this fact. The virus is only going to make the embracing of the technology that already exists even faster. This means that jobs are going to be lost and people will have no recourse.

Automation is simply going to cause a great deal of technological unemployment. The virus is accelerating that end.



Over the last few weeks, we saw the calls for universal basic income increasing. Andrew Yang ran on this platform and while he did bring attention to the topic, did not get very far politically. This was, of course, before the virus and the global economic collapse that is taking place.

Make no mistake, when government implements a measure, even temporary, it is permanent. Politicians know they will not revoke anything once it is in place.

Dependence upon government is slavery. This is something I feel strongly about. It puts one at the mercy of political whims. When something is implemented, there is always a party that opposes it. Ultimately, that party will get into power, often reversing the decisions of the previous one.

In the United States, we can look how the government (politicians) messed with Social Security. What was once an investment fund is now nothing more than a ponzi scheme. All money that each of us paid in is not investment and growing. Instead, it goes in the general budget i.e. the money is spent.

The calls for UBI are only going to make tens of millions of people dependent upon government. This is, naturally, good news for the existing power base. A move like this only reinforces their importance.

Ultimately. there will have to be a way to structure basic income while eliminating government from the equation. This is not going to happen until some large governments collapse. We might we waiting a while for this but my eyes are on Western Europe for the time being.

Cryptocurrency is a viable option in my opinion. Sadly, we are at the point where a lack of infrastructure is going to prevent any roll-out in the near term. Ultimately, if structured properly, it could end up providing a valuable resource for people. Ironically, we could see another solution via the central banks. This will, of course, require a radical change in thought.

Have no fear, as the present actions of both central banks and governments prove to be impotent, we are going to see the time when alternative options are given more serious consideration.

There are ways to devise a system that can payout without taking from others. Putting the government in the middle of everything entails taking money from others in the form of taxation. This is a drain on the growth of the entire system.

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