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Hive community feedback needed - Would you use this app?


tarekadam41.744 years agoPeakD

Initially I started with my b. app to practice SwiftUI and to create a tutorial series on Hive but now I am thinking to actually deploy it on the App Store if people are interested in it.


What is b.

The purpose of this app is to show Hive posts filtered by Tag.
So if you are interested to see the latest posts with e.g. "blockchain" tag, then b. shows all recent posts that have "blockchain" in the tag.



In order for me to decide how to proceed, I would like to get your opinion.

Would you use this app: Yes / No ?

Based on the responses received from the #Hive community I will then either continue working on it to eventually submit it to the App Store or stop it and only create a tutorial series for SwiftUI instead.

Thanks for your feedback!


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