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b. App now uploaded to Github


tarekadam41.734 years agoHive.Blog

Following my introduction last week about the simple iOS app I am working on to search #HIVE by Tag, I noticed that the name Beez is used already on the app Store and therefore I renamed the App to b.

b. App Logo

The code has been moved to my github page and I hope to have the final changes completed before the end of next week.

Things that still need to be done:

  • Update API from Steem to Hive (I am dependent on the API service from @good-karma as I am not good with backend stuff)

  • Render html and markdown to proper text in the detail view.

  • Render image links to actual images

  • Refactor (cleanup) code

  • Polish design

A few screenshots


Don't expect a killer app, I am not a developer and coding is a hobby for me but I think the result is already acceptable.

My tutorial series will start shortly after the app is in the store.


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