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Every Level Has Its Own Devil


takhar703.794 months ago3 min read

We reach a certain point in life where we realize that having it easier as we grow older is probably an illusion, a concept that never materializes into reality.

Definitely, things can get better in many aspects of life, but this is often accompanied by growing pains.

For example, getting married can make your life better in many ways, stabilizing your living situation and providing companionship.

And this new level also has its own devil - challenges to confront, such as learning to compromise, navigate conflicts, and balance individual needs with those of the relationship.

In a way, it seems to me that this pattern of ascending to a new level only to be confronted by novel difficulties is a fundamental part of the human experience.

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I've acknowledged this fact of life not getting easier - the journey is more so one of continual growth and adaptation through progressive difficulty.

The Journey To Betterment

Now, this devil is here to push us to become better, to rise to the occasion, discover and develop new abilities.

Becoming better can be a vague concept that we're naturally drawn towards given our inherent feeling of dissatisfaction with the status quo and desire for self-improvement.

On the one hand, there's no end to "becoming better," especially from a comparison standpoint. If I want to become a better writer, I'll first have to establish where the bar is, in terms of what "better" means and the level I stand relative to it.

The interesting thing, however, is that the goal post is always moving, as I improve and as the standards in the field evolve.

Learning To Dance With The Devil

Yet rather than be discouraged by this lack of a fixed endpoint, embracing the challenges as an integral part of the journey can reduce a lot of the resistance that comes with confronting them.

Like learning to dance, we must first find our footing, stumbling through the steps as we acquaint ourselves with the rhythm. Then, as we develop our abilities, we begin to flow with the music, finding joy in the very struggle that once daunted us.

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In the same way, we can learn to "dance" with the devils that confront us at each new level.

They may never fully go away, but through practice and perseverance, we can transform our perception of them from adversaries into allies.

For it is in these moments of struggle and growth that we find this sense of meaning and fulfillment in life.

More than just obstacles to be overcome, the devils we face are opportunities for us to become the best versions of ourselves.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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