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馃崅鉂勶笍馃崅Entrando en el mundo de la moda /// Men's Fall-winter Fashion show Louis Vuitton 馃崅鉂勶笍馃崅


takeru2551.9 K2 years agoPeakD5 min read

A few days ago I was at a friend's house who is passionate about fashion, and although I do not like it at all, or rather, I do not know much about this art, my friend wanted to show me some catwalks so I could see that it is not just modeling, it is a performance that can take you to scenarios out of a dream or a nightmare depending on how the creative director wants it. We saw a total of four catwalks; two from Louis Vuitton, one from Jaqueme and one from Balenciaga, being for me, the most impressive, the Louis Vuitton one from the summer of last year, 2021.

Hace unos d铆as estuve en casa de una amiga que es apasionada por la moda, y, aunque a m铆 no me gusta del todo, o mejor dicho, no s茅 mucho sobre este arte, mi amiga quiso mostrarme unas pasarelas para que yo viera que no es solo modelar, es todo un performance que te puede llevar a escenarios sacados de un sue帽o o de una pesadilla dependiendo de c贸mo lo quiera el director creativo. Vimos en total cuatro pasarelas; dos de Louis Vuitton, una de Jaqueme y una de Balenciaga, siendo para m铆, la m谩s impresionante, la de Louis Vuitton del verano del a帽o pasado, el 2021.

聽 ![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/DQmatGBWrwhS5BhVipgJ6uzD7FYkAdECCDReKAAfdeqbAjh/image.png) 聽 聽[](https://eu.louisvuitton.com/eng-e1/magazine/articles/men-fall-winter-2022-show-paris#) 聽

We saw this year's Louis Vuitton first as Kendrick Lamar was singing with a crown of diamond spikes, which I loved. He sang with an incredible calmness worthy of admiration, and, moreover, with perfect timing and tonality. How my friend realized that rather than paying attention to the clothing designs she was paying attention to the performance, she then wanted to show me the last collection Virgil directed before he passed away. A collection that I loved and that apparently was his masterpiece.

Vimos primero la de Louis Vuitton de este a帽o ya que estuvo cantando Kendrick Lamar con una corona de p煤as de diamantes, lo cual a m铆 me encant贸. Cant贸 con una calma incre铆ble digna de admirar, y, adem谩s, con un tiempo y una tonalidad perfecta. C贸mo mi amiga se di贸 cuenta de que m谩s que prestarle atenci贸n a los dise帽os de la ropa le estaba prestando atenci贸n al performance, quiso mostrarme entonces la 煤ltima colecci贸n que dirigi贸 Virgil antes de fallecer. Una colecci贸n que me encant贸 y que al parecer, fue su obra maestra



A collection that mixes more than just runway, with music so enveloping that it seems even lie that everything is live, with people dancing around the models to the rhythm of the music. The musicians, perfectly directed by Gustavo Dudamel and the lights that played with the concept of this catwalk left me fascinated, making me realize one thing: the fashion industry is something really incredible. For me, who compares everything to movies, I must say that I could easily watch two hours of something directed with some of the people who made that (and many others) runway a reality, since, as I said, everything is perfectly synchronized.

Una colecci贸n que mezcla m谩s que solo pasarela, con una m煤sica tan envolvente que parece incluso mentira que todo sea en vivo, con personas bailando alrededor de los modelos al ritmo de la m煤sica. Los m煤sicos, perfectamente dirigidos por Gustavo Dudamel y las luces que jugaban con el concepto de esta pasarela a m铆 me dej贸 fascinado, haciendo que me diera cuenta de una cosa: la industria de la moda es algo realmente incre铆ble. Para m铆, que todo lo comparo con pel铆culas, debo decir que podr铆a ver f谩cilmente dos horas de algo dirigido con alguna de las personas que hizo realidad esa (y muchas otras) pasarela, ya que, como dije, todo est谩 perfectamente sincronizado.



I totally understand that if you don't like fashion you may be reluctant to see catwalks, the extravagant outfits and unusual styling is not something that excites everyone, however, the amount of detail that goes into every single aspect behind a catwalk is gigantic, and I, at least, am encouraged to see a job well done, no matter what it looks like; something that is immersive, that catches the eye, that is interesting to follow and that, in turn, stands out as one of the best things that all the people involved in the project can offer. With this, it's not that I'm recommending all the runways or that you see all the fashion weeks, as I really know very little about that, but I do hope you at least see some of them, especially Louis Vuitton's Men's fall Winter 2022.

La verdad entiendo perfectamente que si no te gusta la moda est茅s renuente a ver pasarelas, las vestimentas extravagantes y el estilismo igual de inusual no es algo que emocione a todo el mundo, sin embargo, la cantidad de detalle que tiene cada uno de los aspectos detr谩s de una pasarela es gigante, y a m铆, por lo menos, me anima ver un trabajo bien hecho, sin importar c贸mo sea; algo que sea inmersivo, que llame la atenci贸n, que sea interesante de seguir y que a su vez, se note como una de las mejores cosas que puedan ofrecer todas las personas involucradas en el proyecto. Con esto, no es que est茅 recomendando todas las pasarelas o que vean todas las semanas de moda, ya que realmente s茅 muy poco sobre eso, pero si espero que al menos vean alguna, sobre todo el Men鈥檚 fall Winter de Louis Vuitton del 2022



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