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Otra modificacion / Another modification


tahiaarq498.772 months agoPeakD3 min read

Otra modificacion / Another modification


Hello, happy week, especially for the needleworkmonday community, today I want to show you another modification that I made a few weeks ago, and that took me a long time due to the work it involved. Here I will tell you and share some photos of the process.
Hola, feliz semana, sobre todo para la comunidad needleworkmonday hoy les quiero mostrar otra modificacion que realica hace unas semanas, y que me llevo largo tiempo por el trabajo que implico aqui les cuento y le comprtire algunas fotos del proceso




Here you can see the original piece in my country we call it a skirt panty, the truth is I don't know other names, it is almost identical from the front and the back, just a little lower on the neckline in the front, the buttons are located in one of the sides, so I decided that the intervention would be applied to the front and back, so as not to modify the sides.
Aqui pueden ver la pieza original en mi pais le decimos braga falda, la verdad no se otros nombres, es casi identica por delante y por detras, solo un poco mas bajo el escote en la parte delantera, los botones estan ubcado en uno de los laterales por lo que decidi que la intervencion seria aplicada en la parte frontal y posterior, para no modificar los laterales




Remove all the seam from the central part, well before I knit two parts a rectangle approximately 25cm wide by 140cm long counting the end of the fabric which is pineapple shaped and makes a greater width
Quite toda la costura de la parte central, bueno antes teji dos partes un rectangulo de aproximadamente 25cms de ancho por 140cms de largo contando el final del tejido que es de formas de pina y hace un ancho mayor



I made two pieces like this, I spent a lot of knitting
Hice dos piezas como esta, pase mucho tejiendo





Despite having two pieces, already crochet, when sewing the front part I tried it on and it turned out perfect, so if I add the back part it will be very big
A pesar de contar con dos piezas, ya tejidas, al coser la pare frontal me lo probe y resulto perfecto, por lo que si le agrego la parte posterior sera muy grande


This is the final result, I haven't used it yet, although I did measure it, and it fits, I don't have any photos using it, and I have the whole other crocheted piece that I really don't want to undo, what would you do?
Este es el resultado final, no lo he usado aun, aunque si me lo medi, y me queda no tengo fotos usandolo, y tengo toda la otra pieza tejida que la verdad no quiero destejer, que harias tu?





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Info de la Foto / Photo info
- Autor / Author: Tahiaarq 
- Cámara / Camera: Samsung Galaxy J8 
- Locación / Location: Yagua Salvaje, Carabobo, Venezuela
- Edición/ Edition: Picsart app



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