Hello Borbon! A Fantastic Visit in Tuburan of Borbon (Part 1)
Exploring a new place was like riding a rollercoaster—very exciting and full of laughter experiences that you’ll never forget.
Konnichiwa active and gorgeous people of hive! I’m back again to share with you my memorable and fantastic experience in Tuburan sa Borbon that I really appreciated a lot. Actually, this is my second time visiting Borbon. You know what? I can really tell that this municipality has plenty of beautiful places that you’ll love and explore. Beaches ? River? Well, Borbon is for you. Just like me, I was amazed by its extraordinary tourist attractions. Of course, my Tabogon has a lot of beautiful and aesthetic places to visit, but you know exploring unfamiliar places hits differently. The excitement was there, and you can’t really understand yourself, and you will just say, “Mao lagi jid ni kung laag nay hisgutan.".
Actually, we have a purpose why we went to Borbon, even though it was a bit far. We didn’t mind at all for the reason that, you know, just like what I’ve said earlier, being in a new place is top tier. Since Tuburan sa Borbon was very famous, we really wanted to go there too, and thanks to our classmate who was a resident in this fantastic municipality of Borbon, they took us to one of their tourist attractions.
Did you know what was really our reason for going to that place? You really can’t believe it, wahhahaha. Sorry, we’re just, you know, “laagan? ”But just a little bit (inner me: E gaslight gid na niya iyang kaugalingon na dle laagan). In our subject, Indigenous Creative Craft, me and my classmate were tasked with creating a miniature of some indigenous houses in our humble country—the Philippines. Since we are 27 in the class, our instructor divides us into 4 groups; I belong to group 3. I was really happy because Mardy and Dina were two of my groupmates. Every group was assigned to create a miniature, and for our group, we are assigned to create the Ivatan house. Are you familiar with this folk house? Actually, this house was very popular in Batanes Island, Philippines. And the people there were called Ivatan people. Their culture was very rich, and I can really tell that Ivatan people were very hardworking.
Did you know that the Ivatan house was made of rocks? I mean, the house wall was made of rocks, imagine? how strong it was. They did that in purpose because according to what I have heard on my classmate, their place was very prone to wind and typhoons that’s the reason why the should build a solid and strong house that will last longer.
And since rocks were the main materials in our miniature, one of our group mates suggested we go to this famous river in Borbon because there is lots of gravel there. Of course we agreed to her suggestion since we had never been to that place before, so we grabbed the opportunity and said, "Yeheyy! Maka laag ang mga laagan”. Sorry mama but this was a group project so no need to be mad at me, mwuah.
Since there are 8 of us and then we only have 2 motorcycle, we then decide to take a bus, and since one of our companion was on his way to the bus stop but the bus was ready to go, one of my group mate decided to go wait for him and they will just ride on a motorcycle.
After a few minutes of riding the bus, finally we arrived at the Borbon. It was my first time in that place that’s the reason why I did turn my head left to right to explore the place. A simple yet very well maintained place.
Since our two other companions have not arrived yet, we decided to wait for them. While waiting felt my tommy growling asking for food. Due to my other companion was not arrived yet and it’s very unrespectable of we eat first, I just buy a bread.
Since I was new to the place, I was with my friend Mardy and she was my tour guide that time, she take me to their church and also there so called tambayan back when they were in highschool.
This was their church actually, that time I really want to go inside but I think it was closed due to some reason.
I saw this two passenger that was so cute. How I wish I can carry them.
My friend Mardy took me to this place. I really love the ambiance of the place. Imagine you can see some people, even vehicles, passing by. Trust me, it was worth it to hang out in this place; the refreshing breeze of the air makes the place more relaxing.
After a few minutes of relaxing, we then saw the motorcycle of our classmate, so we then went back to some of our companions.
The continuation will be on my next blog. Thank you for reading, hive friends; it means a lot.
