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Getting to Know the Hive Community: Hello World!


stubtoe220.20last yearPeakD2 min read


Hello I'm Stubtoe preferably just Stub

" I am thrilled to be a part of this community and look forward to learning and growing with all of you. As a passionate and dedicated learner, I am currently taking a CodeAcademy course at my local community college to further my skills in the art of coding.

Being in the middle of my career journey, I understand the importance of continuous growth and improvement. That's why I have set a few goals for myself, including achieving financial freedom and breaking away from the rat race. I believe that by working together, we can all reach our individual and collective aspirations. My ultimate goal is to gain the necessary skills to port games and apps to Android devices, through real-life experience and collaboration.

So far, I have taken and excelled in the following courses: Introduction to Programming using Python, Programming for Computers using C++, and I am currently taking Programming with Java and Programming for the Internet. I am confident that with hard work and determination, I will achieve my goals and make a positive impact in the world of technology.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me
a little better. I am eager to get to know all of you and embark on this exciting journey together."



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