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Contest entry Shadow Hunters round 74.


stevemuis86.292 years agoPeakD2 min read

I currently have two rescue cats that I have had for a number of years. Over time I will introduce them both properly and share some of the daily antics that they get up to which keep me constantly entertained.
They both began their lives in abusive homes (Animal, women & child abuse are the only things that get my blood boiling.) They have both however developed amazing characters over the years and show unconditional love all the time even after what they were initially put through before being rescued. Something that us humans should try mirror.
This is the eldest and his name is Skollie. It is an Afrikaans word that means "Gangster" in English. Afrikaans is a language used in South Africa and it is derived mainly from Dutch.

Although they love the outdoors both Skollie and his brother (Spook) don't particularly enjoy cold & wet weather and tend to spend most of those days tucked up inside. When the sun does appear again they take full advantage of it......

This was a day that the sun had appeared again after being away for a couple of days. Skollie was having a ball in it and pulling his tongue at me as he often does.


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