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Caught between 'serenity of the water' and the 'chaos of our thoughts'!


steemflow9.2 K4 months ago4 min read

Hive is a great learning platform, there are so much to explore and learning which help us to be better. It depends upon the user whether, they consider it as only a content rewarding platform or much more than rewards. Everyday, I tries to learn something new and Yesterday, it was @avdesing which put me in a state of wonder, when she mention that water has emotion, this really took me by surprises, as I never heard it before. Though, I understand, that water is an essential element for our survival, but it is attached to our "emotions" really surprises me. It put me in a state to think over.
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As far as i remeber, we always consider Water as the source of life. Without water we are nothing in this world, it is essential for our survival. 70 % of our body is consist of #water ,which makes it an integral part for growth and sustainability. However, psychology pushes water to all new level of emotions, and this makes way to "water has emotions" theory, as it absorbs everything. Tye theory states that the power of our thoughts and how they play a huge role in shaping what we feel and how we becomes.

What are emotions?

To proceed and process the psychology concept to understand water and emotion relation, it is important to first understand the meaning of emotions. Emotions are conscious mental reactions that are experienced as strong feelings. For example, someone might smile when they are happy or cry when they are sad. My surprise reactions too was related to emotional state that can be positive or negative, and that follows something unexpected. Emotions can be categorized between positive and negative and here are some of the examples of esch of them

  • Positive emotion : Happiness, Love, Confidence, Inspiration, Cheerfulness, Interest, Gratitude, and Inclusion.

  • Negative emotion: Anger, Resentment, Fear, Ashamed, Guilt, Sadness, and Worry.

How Water Has Emotions?

As I took a deep dive dive into this theoretical concept, I was really fascinated with the outcomes.

According to Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, water can respond to human emotions, thoughts, words, and written messages. Emoto claims that water's molecular structure is influenced by the words and feelings directed towards it. Emoto also claims that music and pictures can have similar effects on water.

In order to prove the theory, he went on to conduct a little experiment. He has experimented with rice in water. He took few Rice in two jars filled with water. He claims that words with positive emotional content induce fermentation, while words with negative emotional content induce rotting of thr rice.

Good food, Good mood!

Dr. Emoto says that drinking water which has been exposed to positive emotions and ideas has a positive effect on health, while water exposed to feelings of hate or violence causes disease.

This, I have experinced in real-life too. The food prepaired during festivals or any auspicious ocassion are good to eat as those were made with good mood and positive vibes. At the same time the food prepaired during the Sharadh (on someone demise) which mostly made with sad mood are not good or may affect digestive system.
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As far as I know, Water is a vital part of nature, and being near it help us reconnect with it. Water can improve our mood in several ways, The calming effect of water stimulates our brains, allowing us to enter in a state of deep focus and clarity. I have experinced it whenever I get close to the water body. It does have a positive effect in our mood.
This is my entry to Day-1 of Inleo Writing prompt for the m/o May.
My interpretation on emotional psychological connection with water.


Namaste @steemflow

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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