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Spend HBD & Distrion

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spendhbd77.564 months agoPeakD

There are certain places where implementing this system is crucial and should be prioritized. We aim to establish a robust system accessible to everyone, enabling them to utilize HBD as their primary currency.

Just envision traveling worldwide, seamlessly utilizing HBD wherever you are, all with just your smartphone! Currently, transactions are feasible through @v4vapp, but integrating into physical stores, perhaps for buying coffee, would be ideal.

In many countries, especially those grappling with inflation, economic instability, infrastructure deficits, or high fees, initiating this system could be highly advantageous. What's imperative is having leaders and project managers present in these nations to spearhead involvement and onboard businesses.
While we continue exploring opportunities in developed and Western countries, our focus lies on NGOs, which stand to gain from this system. They could offer products like snacks and drinks at their facilities. While everything is in the testing phase, we're determined to find solutions, confident that we'll eventually integrate this system into our daily lives, benefiting communities, vendors, and society as a whole.


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