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The Embezzler


sofs-su1.2 Klast year6 min read


"This is trickery, he is the devil himself. I will get to the heart of it all and expose his true face." Sally said to herself for perhaps for the hundredth time this morning. If her eyes were daggers she would have bludgeoned him to death with her angry stares. How could he betray her, she who trusted him so much Sally wondered. She would rip his mask apart and bring him to justice she vowed to herself as she locked herself up in her room seething with anger.

Ray, a well built man in his mid twenties paced across the spacious bedroom and then stopped by large window. His eyes did not betray his emotions. He looked into the garden below but his mind was replaying over and over again the words that Sally had uttered just a little while ago. He couldn’t understand how he could become the object of such hatred. The sudden change in Sally's behavior and her spending habits had troubled him deeply. Ray shrugged his shoulders as if trying to shake off the gloom he felt within.

"Sally, Sally, lunch is served," Ruth the caretaker's voice was heard loudly through the house. Sally was in no mood to respond to the call, eat lunch or look at that monster’s face again. He would surely be there and she didn’t want to spend more time with him at the table. She was sure that her anger would spill over once again and she would say words that she might regret.

The knocking on the door continued, "Ruth go away I need to sleep now," Sally yelled. "You need to eat Sally," Ruth responded gently. "I will eat later, leave me alone now," Sally shouted angrily. This girl has changed so much in these last couple of months thought Ruth. Sally had always been a very sweet, respectful and responsible child. What is wrong with her thought Ruth a worried look creased her face. Sally's distasteful behavior earlier that day had troubled the middle aged woman greatly.

Lying on her bed Sally thought that Ray had acted very meanly with her in the last few months. He decided when and how much money she got as her allowance. He had also been asking her for details about how she spent her money. Sally knew that he had been spying on her as well. She felt that she was being followed everywhere.

To add to her woes her boyfriend Sam was acting weirdly these days. He wasn't speaking to her as he normally did, he did want to go with her to the mall as they usually did after school. She couldn't even talk to him about Ray. This morning's standoff with her brother was due to all this. Sally knew that she had overstepped her boundaries when she called him an embezzler. Ray had been the kindest brother anyone could have and yet his behavior had been questionable over the last few months.

Ray seemed sullen and withdrawn, he hardly spoke to her and when he did it was in monosyllables. He questioned her every move. Did he want all the wealth for himself? Didn't their parents expect him to be a fair guardian and trustee? Why then did he suddenly become greedy and possessive about money? Why didn't he want to increase her allowance and let her enjoy life? Ray has changed a lot she said to herself.

Ray picked up the call and responded with a curt "Hello". All he said then was "yes","okay" and I'll be there now and left in a hurry. His face darkened as the caller on the other end spoke. He seemed very anxious and deeply disturbed as he left.

Sally had watched this scene from her window. She knew that her brother was up to no good. She quickly followed him in her car. Her brother reached the mall next to her school in a few minutes. He didn't wait to take the elevator but ran up the flight of stairs. He reached the small cafe which was Sally's favorite haunt, she and her boyfriend Sam came her very often, actually it was Sam who introduced her to this quaint little cafe. The beverages served here were amazing, Sally was addicted to the coffee here, she never failed to come here each day after school.

Sally noticed Ray take the stairs to her favorite jaunt and wondered what he was doing here. He had never liked this place, she had brought him her six months ago. Sally was confused. Ray seemed to be talking to the owner Mr. Robert in an animated voiced gesturing wildly. This was very uncharacteristic of Ray. Ray was mild mannered young man, gentle and calm in his interactions with people. What was happening here Sally wondered.

Mr.Robert was heard mentioning Sam's name a few times along with that of a waiter's. Sandra didn't want to be noticed so stood at a distance as she watched the scene unfold. The police came in handcuffed the waiter and they seemed to be waiting patiently for someone. As if on cue Sam walked in and he was questioned, Sam was now crying as he told the police that he had mixed drugs in Sally's drinks over the last few weeks. He said he wanted to keep under his control and get all her wealth. He was handcuffed and taken away.

Sally stood in shock, tears running down her face. Her ran to brother and hugged him tightly, "Ray, I heard everything that Sam said, I didn't know that you were protecting me and I suspected you to be an embezzler." she said amidst sobs.

Ray held her close to him gently, "It's okay, its all okay now, don't cry Sally, I will always be there for you. You are my baby sister and it's my job to look after you. I promised Mom and dad that I would always take care of you" Sally and Ray's parents had died in a road accident five years ago, a month after Ray graduated from college. Ray had been taking good care of Sally ever since.

Sally looked at her brother's troubled face. How could she have possibly imagined him to be a demon? His face was the kindest and the most loving of all faces she had ever known. How could she have suspected him. She held his hands tightly as she resolved in her heart never to doubt his intentions again.


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