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Visiting the International Book Fair in Bogot谩馃摉馃實


sofiaquino984.8 Klast year4 min read



This year I attended the Bogot谩 Book Fair for the second time. Compared to last year's, I saw a greater variety of titles and editions, beautiful covers and classic books in cover-bound editions. It also seemed to me that there were more pavilions, publishers and offerings. I saw the Spanish version of "Im glad my mom died" and a beautifully illustrated version of One Hundred Years of Solitude, which I will buy sooner or later馃槏.

The guest of honor for this edition was Mexico, to which they dedicated an entire tent for the exhibition and dissemination of the culture, literature and art of this nation. Unfortunately, I found this pavilion to be a bit dark and sad. They did not take advantage of the Mexican theme 100% and I personally did not like it.

We went on the last Sunday of the fair, and there were so many people that the place looked like a giant moving mass. Because of the chaos, and because I had to make sure that no member of my family got lost 馃槀, I really didn't have time to calmly choose a book. I would have liked to take one with me but I remembered that the most important thing there is to enjoy the cultural experience.

This is a visit to learn about classical and contemporary literature, appreciate the beautiful decoration of the stands and do some of the activities that can be done there, such as writing your name in Persian or the possibility of dedicating a poem to a special person in a phone booth 鈽庯笍.

We have made a note for next year to go during the first days of the fair, so that we don't meet so many people and we can bring a book home. Anyway, being surrounded by books and readers is always a nice and rewarding experience :)


聽 Este a帽o asist铆 por segunda vez a la Feria del Libro en Bogot谩. En comparaci贸n con la del a帽o pasado, vi una mayor variedad de t铆tulos y ediciones, portadas hermosas y libros cl谩sicos en ediciones empastadas en tapadura. Me pareci贸 tambi茅n que hab铆a m谩s cantidad de pabellones, editoriales y ofertas. Vi la versi贸n en espa帽ol de "Im glad my mom died" y una versi贸n ilustrada bell铆sima de Cien A帽os de Soledad, que tarde o temprano comprar茅馃槏

El pa铆s invitado de Honor para esta entrega fue M茅xico, al cual le dedican una carpa completa para la exposici贸n y difusi贸n de la cultura, literatura y el arte de esta naci贸n. Lamentablemente, me pareci贸 que este pabell贸n era un poco oscuro y triste. No aprovecharon la tem谩tica mexicana al 100% y a m铆 personalmente no me gust贸.

Fuimos el 煤ltimo domingo de la feria, y hab铆a tanta gente que el lugar parec铆a una masa gigante en movimiento. Por el caos, y por estar pendiente de que no se extraviara ning煤n miembro de mi familia馃槀, realmente no tuve tiempo escoger con calma un libro. Me hubiese gustado llevarme uno pero record茅 que realmente lo m谩s importante all铆 es poder disfrutar la experiencia cultural.

Esta una visita para aprender sobre literatura cl谩sica y contempor谩nea, apreciar la decoraci贸n tan bonita de los stands y realizar algunas de las actividades que se pueden hacer all铆, como la escritura de tu nombre en persa o la posibilidad de dedicarle a una persona especial un poema en una cabina telef贸nica 鈽庯笍.

Queda anotado para el pr贸ximo a帽o ir los primeros d铆as de la feria, para no encontrarnos con tanta gente y poder traernos un libro a casa. De todos modos, estar rodeada de libros y lectores siempre es una experiencia bonita y gratificante :)

聽 ---

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