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snowflakesduke100.263 years agoPeakD5 min read


Good evening fellas, first and foremost I want to say a very big THANK YOU for reading my stories, you'll also note that each of my stories is true life.
Today, I escaped the jaw of a black African mamba, how did it happen?
Well, I should be asking is, how it climbed a story building, crawled into the hallway, and made its way into my generator.
These happened this morning and trust me, I've been shaking.

OK, I came back from a month's journey out of the state, on getting to the house yesterday evening; I had a lot to do because of the dust from harmattan to the black soot we're currently experiencing here in Port Harcourt, River State, Nigeria.
I decided to unpack and rest from my journey, fast forward to this morning, I went to the gas station to buy fuel to power the generator to wash the curtains, mop the floor & clean cobwebs from the wall.


I first checked the oil to top up, proceeded to fuel the generator, after pouring the last drop from the keg, I returned the choke, opened the fuel pump, my people, I stretched my hand to the generator rope to pull it, Bro, what I pulled was the tail of an African black mamba that took refuge inside the generator engine, when I felt the texture and in a jiffy, realized it was soft, cold and slimy, I immediately removed my hand, jumped onto the generator, was also hoping it didn't slide out onto the generator where I was taking refuge, guys, at this point, there was nothing around to hit it with or scare it, I was helpless, somehow I managed to scare it with my flip flop I was putting on and it wriggled its way into my Timberland booth.

Now, I found the courage to climb down the generator, moved slowly past the booth, went into my bedroom, wore my eyeglass to protect my eyes from its poisonous spit.
I got into a safe position to enable me to move swiftly out of the house carrying the booth, I got the courage to lift the timberland with a steady hand out of my bedroom, straight past my sitting room and onto the lobby and I flung the booth so far and hard that the snake landed on the floor feeling dizzy because it wasn't that smart and swift when it crawled out of the booth and into a nearby bush close to the house.
You know how it feels when you eventually find a snake in your house, automatically everything around you becomes suspicious and you can never be comfortable for a couple of days, weeks, months, or even years.


I know it's the harmattan season and every living creature is migrating, hibernating, or mating in a warm environment.
In all, let’s all be very careful with how we walk in the dark; pick up something from a tight corner, put your leg into your shoes, etc.
Even centipedes are not left out because I killed 3 last night after fleeting the house just to be sure I don't have issues with mosquitoes and cockroaches, so folks, right now, am checking out the air conditioning system ventilation, back of my freezer, under the pillows, bed, under the sofa, everywhere snakes can hide, hibernate or take refuge.
I've sprinkled some strong snake repellant liquid, you, I can't take chances you, because, in their world, it's KILL OR BE KILLED, so I can't take chances you feel me?
Coupled with the fact that I've my pregnant wife at home too.

We're counting down to her delivery and can't afford any form of harm coming her way, talk more of having psychological thoughts of snakes or any form of the reptile being in the house.
You know what that means, you won't be able to go to work in the morning even after the whole world has been fumigated... LoL

In all of these happenings today, I want to say a very big THANK YOU LORD for redeeming me from the African black mamba.
Remember, a strike(venom) from an African black mamba is potent enough to take out 10 strong men, this is not a creature to toil with, although I didn't kill it and I hope it doesn't come back to pack its remaining belongings... LoL

Funny enough, after the whole thing, the generator refused to start, I called my mechanic to come to check it out and when he arrived, he went straight to work to rectify the problem and at this point, I told him that while trying to start the generator, I pulled the tail of Africa's deadliest snakes, before I could drop the word, he threw his tools he flung his tools and ran out to the living room... LoL, he screamed in the pidgin English parlance OGA WHY YOU NO TELL ME NA, I told him that I was trying to explain it to him before he went straight to the generator.


Now, every cable in the generator automatically became a snake to him, anytime something touches him, he scrambles to his feet, he had to work very fast to avoid any kind of story.
It's quite funny now, writing this incident, but in the morning, it was a life and death situation.
I will be telling you a story that happened yesterday in my next post, I love you all.


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