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How I met My wife


snowflakesduke100.233 years agoPeakD6 min read

Love they say, is a beautiful thing right?


There's this feeling you experience when you meet someone you are compatible with, you suddenly have this inner peace and total satisfaction within yourself and that inner peace.
This story is how I met my wife @joydukeson, it was way back in 2018, I went for a movie audition somewhere in Port Harcourt, River State, Nigeria.
Need I remind you that besides being a Cinematographer are also good in front of the camera (actor)... Lol
Like I said in my introductory post, am a certified Nollywood actor in Nigeria.

Fast forward to the first day I set my eyes on her, she was charming, eye-catching, beautiful and sexy too, I asked myself can just one person possesses this kind of beauty, don't forget, she's very brilliant too.
When I told my friend that I like her, he asked me to go talk to her, I simply told him, No and I told him that if I see her again after now, then I will know she's meant for me.


Months later, we met again at a film location, and immediately she said Hi and I said Hello and we sat opposite each other, while I stole glances at her.
My stomach filled with butterflies, not knowing how to strike up a conversation, she then approached me with a few questions and I responded, later she gave me her phone to take pictures of her, while I was on it, I admired her beauty and wished she would be mine forever.

Fast forward to the day I told her I would marry her........ It was after a movie shoot, we all retired to my place (casts and crew), we had lunch at my house and afterward, everyone dispersed except for her because she said she wanted to rest a bit. After all, her house is far and she just finished having a meal, so I escorted the rest to the bus stop where they boarded different cabs to their destinations.
Walking back to the house, a lot was running through my mind...

Do I tell her am in love with her or keep it to myself?
Should I wait a bit longer?
Should I just continue to be a friend?


I eventually got to the house and there she was, so beautiful, immediately I heard a voice in my head asking me to tell her that I will marry her after I return from Abroad and suddenly, the words came out of my mouth and guess what... She laughed at me to stupor, I maintained my gaze on her and she jokingly said No problem.
After a while, she left for her place as we bade each other goodbye.
After a while, I stopped being in contact with her, for no reason, she started complaining about it for which I apologized for it.

Fast forward to October 2020, precisely the 2nd of October, I returned from Bordeaux France, she chatted me up while I was in France and I told her am in Bordeaux and she asked me what I was doing over there and I told her I was working here and thinking of relocating permanently and she asked me a question: When are we getting married?
Mind you, she was making jest of me, I laughed and remembered that she's always doing this, so I told her that when I return to Nigeria.

When I returned, she came to the house, mind you, at this time, I've moved from my old residence to a bigger house.
She @joydukeson came and saw me for the first time in almost a year.
We hugged and starred long at each other, we had a lot to talk about, I served her a plate of jollof rice and meat.
We talked about everything, and there was nothing we could think of anymore.


On the 11th of November last year was my birthday and even though she wasn't buoyant cash-wise to buy me a gift, she prayed for me and promised to celebrate my next birthday as her husband and in our home, after then, I asked her to marry me, I mean, I proposed to her and she accepted to marry me and voila, we began the marriage rites, you know the African setting of meeting some family members of the family (both families), going for this visits entails carrying wine, spirits and kola nuts.


We fixed our marriage date for the 30th of January 2021 and it then dawned on us that we're about to be Man and wife forever, within me, I felt butterflies in my stomach, was excited that am settling down with the right person.
2 weeks into our marriage, I was cash trapped, I had no one to turn to, I didn't know what to do, I had to turn to God to rescue me... Lol

Funny right, but it's real, I received some money and I told my wife that am sowing all the money and she looked at me as though I've lost my mind, but I made her understand that if this union is ordained from Heaven, God will make a way for us His children not to be put to shame.
Am not trying to go all spiritual on you, but believe me when I say that there are a lot of blessings associated with marriage.

Family and friends discouraged me from fixing the date in January, that it's always a difficult month, that I should fix it anytime from Easter, but I believed in the God I serve and after sowing the seed, I received triple of what I sowed and indeed God is amazing.
Before the 30th of January, everything fell into place, we had everything arranged, all we were waiting for was the D-day.
On the appointed day, God proved himself again; today we're in our 11th month in marriage and expecting our first bundle of joy anytime next week.


Today, we're @joydukeson and I are husband and wife and we're happily married and we share everything in common. My next post will be about our pregnancy experience and all..... My advice to you out there is don't wait till you get all the monies in the world before you settle down, today we have a joint account, we've achieved a lot in just 11 months in marriage.


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