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Mushroom Monday - Ecclectic Finds


sketch.and.jam8 K3 years ago2 min read

Here are a few weekend finds for a late #mushroommonday
I managed to find a nice example of bleeding mycena growing out of a bunch of white cloud fungi.

This white cloud fungi is called Exidia alba or Ductifera pululahuana. This is a jelly fungi that though theoretically edible has no real use as it has bad texture and no taste.

The white cloud fungi was growing off of some really old crust fungi. I'm not sure of the name of this fungi but these crust fungi often get infested by jelly fungi.

Here is another corticoid fungi aka crust fungi. I suspect this one might be Stereum hirsutum another favorite platform for jelly fungi to grow off of.

Here is a lone orange mycena aka Mycena leaiana. I usually find lots of these growing together. Maybe the moss choked them out from growing in a bunch.

Here is an oyster mushroom lookalike I believe it may be called Crepidotus mollis. The edibility of this mushroom is not really known so I avoided harvesting it. These are also very tiny so I suspect most mushroom hunters didn't care to test if its edible or not because of its tiny size.

Here is a deer shield mushroom aka Pluteus cervinus. These grow out of dead wood or on old trees and usually have a brownish cap with a brown central point on top.

The stems are very straight and lack a ring or bulb at the base.

Note the gills don't attach to the stem. To be sure you have a deer shield mushroom do a spore print and check and see if the spores are pink. These are technically edible and have a radishy sort of taste to them if you stew them. If you pan fry them the radish taste goes away. I usually don't find enough of these to really merit harvesting them for a meal. But they're interesting to do a taste test on. Somewhat similar to ink caps but with a better texture.

That's all for this #mushroommonday happy hunting :-)




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