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The greatness of those who believe it


simonm3227.392 years agoPeakD4 min read


Do not let your eyes deceive you, and believe that greatness comes from beyond by a gift from the enlightened one just to be more benevolent, please refuse to believe such things, because greatness comes from many things, and although it makes you uncomfortable, maybe it also requires you to get your hands a little dirty, no matter that sometimes it is also blood. And when I say blood, it may be yours... or not.

Also, don't think that you need to work harder than anyone else if you intend to succeed in this troubled world, because it's a half-truth, you can work hard, but if you don't work smart, it's the same as nothing. I repeat it's the same as nothing, if you want to be great, you'd better not be a donkey working tirelessly, and better calculate your next move so that you can figure.

Many tears have been shed by those who did not taste the sweetness of triumph, and all because they did not know they were winners, but participants. Remember my children that no one remembers the runners-up, but those who touch the Olympus of victory will always be remembered. But this is not the time to cry, because tears are not fuel, if we want to get there, we must draw a sensible plan, and not one full of unattainable fantasies.

There is much to do, remember that Rome was not built in a day, and if we want to get our dream, we better-set realities, so we keep our feet on the ground and things flow better. Feel better and raise your heads, and look at all the way you have come, so you will realize that you have done well, but if you want glory, and you want it, it is not enough to do well, but better.

Do you think you deserve it? Well, that's not enough, do they think they deserve it less for using dubious tactics? At the end that does not matter, it matters more than we do better at the end of the day and only then will be marked in posterity, because yes, that is what we want with all our souls.

Turn a deaf ear to all those who say that the important thing is to participate because no, no, no, no and thousand times no. Yes, participating gives you experience and only that, and I do not want to leave here with only experience, I want to experience something more, to be able to tell my grandchildren, and not only the time I participated in that event, and when they ask me that I triumphed, I can only tell them that I won because I was there, well no... I go all or nothing.

The years have made me more stubborn, but also wiser to know that triumphs do not come by wishing for them, and before leaving this world, I want this new generation of kids to know that there is nothing wrong with winning and that if they do, the ego will not consume them, on the contrary, they will find a beautiful story of humility behind a good triumph.

I am about to enter retirement, it will be another plane for me, I already won what I had to win, I know what it feels like, and I know it is phenomenal, so trust in what I tell you, trust also in you, but know and know your limits, so you can improve every day. Be strong hearts, but strong hearts with intelligence, and only if you do it this way, we will be celebrating tomorrow, and the rest of the week, and then, keep working to continue pursuing glory.

Glory, that beautiful word that tells millions of stories and that with wisdom, we will have the opportunity to build our episode.

Rest, rest very well because tomorrow your bodies and minds must unify for a single purpose, and that is to be remembered by posterity. Eat, drink, and rest, for there is much to live for tomorrow.




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