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No Loss Lottery gives away three 100 Leo Prizes


shortsegments3.5 Klast year2 min read

300 Leo in the latest lottery prize give away!

  • Did you know there’s a lottery on Leofinance?
  • Did you know it gives away 100 Leo prizes?
  • Did you know this lottery has been around for over one year?
  • Well if you didn’t know, now you know.
  • :)

When is a lottery not a lottery?

  • When it’s the No Loss Lottery!

This is the No Loss Lottery

  • The not so fine print is important.

Say No to Losing Your Money/Leo!

  • Most lotteries involve buying a ticket, a very low probability of winning and your ticket purchase price is lost forever!
  • But the No Loss Lottery says No to all three!
  • No to losing your ticket purchase price!
  • No to low probability of winning!
  • No to gambling your hard earned Leo!

Say Yes to No Losses!

  • Say yes to not losing your purchase price
  • Say yes to a high probability of winning
  • Say yes to getting all your money/Leo back!

No Loss Lottery = Savings plus Prizes

  • Yes the No Loss Lottery is like a savings account because you can get your Leo back
  • Yes the No Loss Lottery is like a lottery because it has cash Prizes!

So what are you waiting for?

  • This is a way to play the lottery with good odds of winning and get your money back!
  • This is Fun
  • This is Smart
  • This is Smart Fun

Get started today!

  • Each ticket costs one Leo: send it to @nolosslottery via wallet transfer.
  • Each ticket is assigned a number for the lottery drawing:
  • Each ticket is re-entered in the next lottery whether you win or not!
  • Questions? Ask in the comments below!
  • @shortsegments


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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