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Environmental conservation, Making Individual Impact


shemzy504.0211 months ago2 min read

The activities of humans in one way or another contributes to our safety and this is what makes our inaction and action important in conserving our immediate environment. Deforestation has exposed humans to the effect of greenhouse, fumes from factories and dumps have polluted the clean air that we breathe. If no individual action is taken, gradually we'll be exposed to new hazards caused by the things we do or things we refuse to do. Simple actions like planting trees can be useful for a community in preventing the actions of green houses or the rise in temperature that we experience.
Trees not only shade the earth from the heat of the sun but also help the production of oxygen that we breathe. Plant more trees today and you'll reduce 1% of the world's problems. Cleaning our environment by picking dirt and cleaning sewages can prevent polluted waters and air and give us a healthier environment to live in. Research holds that the more red meat we consume, the more cows that would be rear and the more grasses they'll consume which involves nomadic farming, moving from one place to another making the ground exposed to flooding. If we consume less red meat, then there'll be less cows and less vegetation consumed by them.

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A school once had a principle of cleanliness and this they practiced by dropping refuse cans around the environment. Whatever an individual eats, he is not allowed to throw it carelessly on the floor but must drop it into the refuse Can. If one is caught throwing any dirt on the floor, he is punished for it. This habit helped them maintain a clean environment within the school and this act helped tackle air pollution in the school. We can do the same as individuals, burn refuse, plant trees, consume less of red meat, plant cover crops to prevent erosion and clean sewages. This would help us conserve our immediate environment.


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