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Rebellion Reward Card Review #1 Halving Refugee


shawnnft3.4 K12 days ago4 min read



Today was my birthday! I had hotpot with my boss! Anyways I'm loving the new change. We have switched from battle mage secrets to rebellion reward card reviews! It will be a bit hard since most of mine aren't near gold or diamond level yet for the reward cards so they aren't as strong as they could be. Previously for the battlemage secrets, the rulesets were repeating so it's nice to have a change as featuring one card every week can last almost 1/2 or 3/4 of a year. Today, I want to feature Halving Refugee!

Halving Refugee


Honestly, this is an insane card for 1 mana. Halving Refugee I think has one of the best stats for a 1 cost unit. The downside though is with the weary ability which makes it skip it's turn. It can be super good in low mana battles as a tank to frontline. It doesn't need to attack; it can just tank a few hits. I think the time it shines the most is in a back to basics ruleset. In that ruleset, the most thing that matters are stats and this card is the best bang for your mana in terms of stats.

Battle Example Use case

The battle link can be found here. It was a battle in modern ranked on my scholar account. It was a bit of a low mana battle with 22 mana with the back to basics, reverse speed and broken arrows ruleset. Everything was game to play except for dragon.


Discussing My Lineup


Summoner , Immortalis - Immortalis was used because earth has a lot of slow units and on top of that I wanted to counter magic since it's back to basics and we know ranged won't be used with broken arrows.

First Position, Hill Giant - I chose this card to be the frontline. It has great stats for 3 mana and ability doesn't matter so this was just a fodder.

Second Position, Halving Refugee - This was a super amazing card for 1 mana and it's not max level. As mentioned earlier, it's a great card for back to basics.

Third Position, Fungus Fiend - Fungus Fiend is another fodder at 0 mana. It's a great choice since there's no cost and it can tank 1-2 attacks.

Fourth Position, Magi Of Chaos - This card was chosen for the low speed and high damage. In reverse speed, it's best to play units with 1 to 2 speed in my opinion.

Fifth Position, Spirit Hoarder - Spirit Hoarder was the best 3 mana slow unit I had with magic. It's important for magic to do the extra damage since broken arrows is active.

Last Position, Djinn Biljka - Biljka was my finisher. It's the best to put in the back since it has 2 health and decent damage of 3.


Analysis of The Battle

You can see that I just had more damage since I played magic units. I'm not sure why my opponent used tarsa since melee units won't be able to attack from the backline. I also used my mana more efficiently. Even though Grum is low speed, it's not worth the mana cost. I only used 4 mana and I got 18 hp total with my first 3 units where as he got only 15 health for an 11 mana unit. The armor didn't matter since I had shatter!


Thank You

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. What do you think of Halving Refugee? Any other ways I missed using this card? Let me know in the comments!

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Screenshot from Splinterlands in-game
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