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Screenshot Edits: Martha Is Dead


shatargat88.962 years agoHive.Blog3 min read


Hello everyone!

It's been a tough week. Work was extremely busy, while the war crisis is on the other hand. Last night, I could manage to play some videogame, and tonight, after a long work day, I started to edit some screenshots again, while following up news/podcast.

Anyways... There's a new horror game released recently, named Martha is Dead. I was waiting for it, and finally had a chance to try it. I tried to stream it on Twitch, but my electrics got cut, and couldn't continue yet. And I have a question for you! Do you like gameplay videos, or streams in this community? I'm thinking about uploading some gameplay videos to 3Speak, but still not sure.

And here are some new screenshot edits on Adobe LightRoom Classic, again. I'm trying to catch a different vibe all the time. Sometimes they look similar, but I guess the similarity kind of counts as style, right? Please share your opinion, thoughts and advices. Left ones are the original screenshots, while right ones are edited.

This is the lake view in the game. It's kinda related with the story. Original screenshot looks good, but I wanted to have a little bit more color for this scene, to give it a mysterious and action vibe. Because, something has to happen here.

In this one, I tried to get more texture details. If you look closely to my edited image, you can see the fabric details of the outfit, and the outfit is actually another story detail.

In this one, we see the horror element first time. Because of that, I tried to give more color and shadow, and wanted to make background details more visible.

Honestly, I took this screenshot just for editing. Nothing interesting here, but I wanted to see if I could make texture details more visible. You know, texture details mostly raise the feel of ambience.

In here, blood was looking like some jelly, and I wanted to change that look.

  And in this final screenshot, I tried to enhange the colours, while trying to make background more visible.

That's all for now. I will not give details for the game, but I can say that it looks like a visual novel in the beginning, and then, the game gives you more control and free look. It's probably a sad story about a girl who lost her twin. If you like story-driven games, I can recommend it to you. See you in another posts. Maybe I could put some gameplay videos, depending on your comments!


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