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The Week That Was... part 2.


shaidon756.854 months ago2 min read

The Week That Was... part 2


It's Saturday morning, 11th of May, as I start to type this. My posts can take a few days to complete but I try to keep the timeline somewhat accurate.

I'm currently on the Gawler Central train heading south in the city of Adelaide, and then I'll catch another train to the Wayville Showgrounds.

Yesterday and today they are holding a job and career fair. I'll report on my findings in a future post, if there's anything really to discuss.

I would have gone yesterday (Friday) but I ended up being accepted for a shift at the same location for a corporate function as a waiter.

It was pretty good and I am getting better at 3 plate carry. I'd had a physio appointment for a muscle in my right arm on Monday and it's been giving me grief occasionally all week, so I was worried I'd drop something but it went well.

I still need to work on my 5 plate clear though.
Hospitality is not really in alignment with what I want to do with my career but I am in survival mode and I can't really say no to anything at this point.

Earlier Friday morning I'd had a 7am start at private school for their Mother's Day breakfast.

That ended at 10am and then a coworker and I had to catch DIDI rideshare from the city to the previously mentioned shift to get there just in time.

From Monday through to Thursday I also worked at the private school serving meals and doing dishes.

Sunday night I worked at the Festival Centre selling tickets to the Tina Turner show. I mentioned this in a previous blog post.

It will be good just to relax and unwind when I get home. My back is letting me know it’s time to take things a little easier.




Thank you for reading.

Until next time, insist on being treated with dignity and respect and treat others the same.


All content, including photos and text, are produced by myself except where indicated otherwise and sources are always qsupplied. I do not use A.I. so your upvotes support a genuine human being producing original material.


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